BERLIN: A happy, carefree life in the village: The world of the young protagonist in Planet of Lana is in perfect order until a sinister event hits her home planet. Suddenly, menacing robots take control and Lana’s life changes abruptly.
Players slip into the role of Lana, who manages to escape the invaders but her sister, however, has disappeared off the face of the earth. And so it is up to Lana to come to her aid. It’s a long journey, accompanied by a super-powered cat called Mui.
In classic Jump’n’Run style, you always play from left to right. There are no fights in the game – apparently, the robots don’t see a little girl as a danger. Nevertheless, you try to avoid them and you also have to overcome obstacles.
All of this is seldom difficult, but the game manages to impress with its atmosphere. Whether it’s wide, green forests, lofty cliffs or dark industrial ruins, the memorable visuals should be well received by anime fans especially.
Planet of Lana is an enjoyable – and long – heroine’s journey with postcard-ready graphics and fun mechanics. The game is available for PCs and Xbox consoles, and costs about €25/US$25 (RM49). It’s also included in Xbox Game Pass subscriptions. – dpa