Review: REMEDIUM: Sentinels – Movies Games and Tech

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Remedium: Sentinels - Official Launch Trailer

REMEDIUM: Sentinels is a deceptively fast-paced affair. This apocalyptic action title starts off at a pleasant pace and gradually gets harder. Consequently, it lulls you into a false sense of security before kicking you in the teeth. As such, it gets under your skin and you’ll struggle to put it down.

This auto-shooter rogue-like was developed by Sobaka Studio and published by ESDigital Games. Moreover, it is set in the REMEDIUM world. Accordingly, if you’ve enjoyed Sobaka Studio’s twin-stick shooter, you’ll recognise many of the assets.

I’ll cut straight to the chase! If you are a fan of Vampire Survivors or Brotato, then you’ll adore every single moment. The straightforward gameplay is padded out by some tremendous tactical twists. Subsequently, there is plenty more depth than first meets the eye.

Nice and calm.

REMEDIUM: Sentinels tells a daunting tale. 

Though the story doesn’t sit at the fore, I enjoyed its sombre edge. The gritty, although familiar tale works well with the oppressive nature of the action. Furthermore, when you know that all is lost, you take on a more gung-ho attitude. As a consequence, you tend to be more experimental as you throw caution to the wind.

It had been over a hundred years since disaster struck. The Grey Plague has decimated mankind and only a few cities stand amongst the chaos and ruin. Accordingly, sentinels were created to protect the remains of humanity. You control each of these hulking machines as they tackle wave after wave of demonic creatures. However, eventually, something has to give. When that happens, the sentinel will fall and another must rise to take its place.

A simple idea. 

The action is broken down into 2 modes. Both the normal and endless options utilise the same core mechanics. However, the latter mode focuses on your high score and surviving for as long as possible. Additionally, it allows you to experiment with unique builds as you reach otherwise unobtainable levels.

The normal mode asks you to explore an arena that is full of treasure, monsters, and possibly a trapped sentinel. It is your responsibility to avoid your foes whilst collecting experience orbs and scrap metal. The orbs allow you to level up whilst the scrap metal is invested in permanent upgrades. Accordingly, you must balance a desire to stay alive with the need to collect as much scrap metal as possible. 

Look at those upgrades working.

Different builds. 

What makes REMEDIUM: Sentinels so unique is its varied character builds. As you level up, you may select from 3 character improvements. You can opt for new weapons or improved abilities and statistics. Whichever you choose will determine your style for that playthrough. 

On top of this, you can upgrade each weapon or attribute 4 times. Consequently, you can create a deadly killing machine with minimal health. Alternatively, you can have a strong sentinel that struggles to mow down its opponents. Therefore, it is essential to balance your approach if you wish to be successful.

REMEDIUM: Sentinels isn’t that attractive. 

At first glance, REMEDIUM: Sentinels is rough as hell. However, this issue soon fades as you focus on the relentless action you encounter. The isometric viewpoint was an excellent choice, as it enhances your viewing angle. As such, it reduces frustration, even when things seem unfair. Alongside this, I liked the smooth animation and the varied backdrops. Every level appeared unique, and exploring them was never a tiresome task.

The audio enhances the moody atmosphere. The sombre minor tones combine perfectly with an upbeat tempo. Consequently, there is a sense of doom and desperation at every turn. Moreover, the loud and obnoxious sound effects add to the cacophony. Subsequently, it is a deafening affair that doesn’t overcomplicate the matter. 

What ability will you choose?

Easy to play. 

REMEDIUM: Sentinels is a spectacularly easy game to play. The auto-shooter function allows you to focus on avoiding your enemies whilst collecting your resources. Additionally, depending on your chosen build, you may choose to be a standoffish killer or a melee weapon expert. Either way, the excellent controls are the least of your concerns. 

Though this is undeniably basic, I was addicted. Consequently, it’s tough to put down, and this enhances its replay value. On top of this, there is longevity thanks to the moderate list of sentinels to unlock and the drip-fed weapons and special abilities. As such, you can play this repeatedly and never have the same experience. 

REMEDIUM: Sentinels is a fabulous experience. 

Though REMEDIUM: Sentinels lacks originality, it is still a fabulous experience. I adored its addictive action and the layers of tactical nuance. Furthermore, killing hordes of mutated humans never gets old. As such, I loved it and I recommend that you buy it here! Can you protect the remaining hopes of humanity? Choose your sentinel, pick your upgrades, and hope for a slice of luck. 

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