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The world of business management is a cruel and unforgiving place. Furthermore, you have to be of a certain character to successfully run a business. We’ve all seen great business leaders like Elon Musk and Bill Gates. However, have you ever wondered what sacrifices they made to get to the top? Well, wonder no longer as Startup Company Console Edition is here to answer these questions.
Developed and published by Hovgaard Games, this is a business management sim. What’s more, it has some tongue-in-cheek moments as it pokes fun at established social media platforms. Accordingly, you’ll chuckle as you experience an immersive and content-rich simulation game.
Startup Company Console Edition lets you choose your path.
The key to a fantastic business is finding a unique idea, working hard, and having a great team around you. On top of this, you must reward excellent behaviour, be competitive with your peers, and stand out from the crowd. As you can see, that is a pretty big list. However, if you get things right, you’ll become wealthy and reap the rewards.
Startup Company Console Edition replicates this from the very beginning. At first, you must decide what venture to focus on, who your CEO is, and the name of your company. From here, you are free to do as you will. Accordingly, you must decide who to hire, what to pay them, and the business model you wish to follow. Unfortunately, though, this led to a heavy data dump and a testing learning curve. Yet, once you get over the initial hurdles, you experience a rich and fulfilling simulation title.
Choices, choices, choices!
The simulation genre is renowned for its in-depth gameplay. However, this one takes the biscuit. At every turn, you have problems to deal with as you must micromanage your team. Whether it is training, building components, balancing morale, or expanding your empire, there are plenty of plates to spin. On top of this, you must focus on revenue streams, researching new features, improving your website, and much more.
Alongside this, you’ll need to fight off your competitors while creating a world-beating USP. Accordingly, this takes plenty of planning, work, and time. Moreover, you’ll have to fire and hire your staff depending on the needs of your business. Perhaps you require more designers than developers? If this is the case, you must fire your team and rehire new workers. As such, you must be cold and calculating to ensure your business thrives.
Money, money, money.
Hiring and firing and morale are all good, but money makes the world go round. Subsequently, the bulk of Startup Company Console Edition focuses on different revenue streams. You can pour your time into a subscription service with complementary add-ons, or stick to a standard ad-based service.
Whatever you decide, you need followers to ensure it works. Consequently, you are required to attract new fans and appease your existing fanbase by evolving your website and dealing with complaints. This is easier said than done, as it requires you to follow the analytical data and react accordingly. Furthermore, occasionally, you must do what is best for your company, no matter how divisive or unpopular the move is. This constant shift from cash flow and satisfaction was both challenging and rewarding.
Startup Company Console Edition is stark to look at.
With such an analytical approach, Startup Company Console Edition is stark to look at. Its stripped-back style and mellow colour palette do little to wow you. However, this basic approach ensures that it is easier to play. Furthermore, the excellent UI and well-considered radial menu help to alleviate confusion. Yet, unlike Theme Hospital or Two Point Campus, it lacks a colourful or humorous edge. This was disappointing, as this would have broken up the seriousness of the gameplay.
The underwhelming visuals are supported by a calm and chilled-out soundtrack. Though the simplicity of the music didn’t impress me, it worked well with the theme. Moreover, the lack of sound effects or acting reinforces its lacklustre nature.
Excellent controls.
I fear this genre when playing on a console. Why? Well, the controls tend to be awful. Thankfully, the developers have successfully ported this from PC. Moreover, the incredible UI and intuitive controls make it a wonderful game to play. Furthermore, thanks to the excellent tutorial and guide, you never fell lost or out of your depth.
Startup Company Console Edition is a time sink. With multiple paths to explore, and employees to fire and hire, no playthrough is the same. Consequently, this unsurprisingly oozes replay value and longevity.
Startup Company Console Edition is wonderfully unusual.
I love this genre, but Startup Company Console Edition took me by surprise. I expected it to perform similarly to Theme Hospital or Two Point Campus, but it didn’t. Instead, it focuses on micromanagement and data analysis. Subsequently, it demands an eye for detail and a methodical mind. This wonderfully unusual approach made it tough to pick up, but unbelievably rewarding once mastered. Accordingly, I loved it and I recommend that you buy it here! Can you take the world by storm? Plan your business model, research new ideas, and manage the next big thing.