Review: Tenable Vulnerability Management Helps Find Issues Before They Are Exploited


The Platform Generates a Thorough Security Assessment

For example, the platform calculates how widespread a discovered vulnerability is within an enterprise, what assets are affected by the vulnerability and how easy it would be for an attacker to access and exploit it.

It also determines if there are any active threat campaigns involving that specific vulnerability occurring in the world and the potential damage that might occur if it were exploited. It then calculates an accurate Vulnerability Priority Rating score for IT teams to follow. In a test environment, the Tenable Vulnerability Management platform found over 700 vulnerabilities, but prioritized fixing only 27 of them; of those, 12 needed to be taken care of right away.

By going beyond the typical capabilities of a vulnerability scanner to fully prioritize the risk posed by individual problems, the Tenable platform can help state IT teams get ahead of their critical and dangerous backlog of vulnerabilities, fixing issues long before an attacker can exploit them.


PRODUCT TYPE: Vulnerability management platform
DISTRIBUTION: As a service
LICENSE: Per seat or per user

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