The Samsung Jet Bot+ for me is different from the other models I have used so far because it seems to have the best LiDAR Scanner yet.
One pandemic investment that worked well for me was a robotic vacuum cleaner that kept the house dust-free and also gave us company during the lockdown days, scooting about the house offering some mild entertainment. Recently, when the Samsung Jet Bot+ review opportunity came, I wanted to see how this segment had evolved in the two years since.
Samsung Jet Bot+
The Samsung Jet Bot+ is a puck-like robot that sticks to the design that has by now become the norm for robotic vacuum cleaners. However, on top of the round device there is another circular protrusion for the LiDAR Scanner. The charging dock is larger because this also comes with a hands-free cleaning station that empties the vacuum cleaner after every run.
Set up is quite easy, especially if you have a Samsung phone at home with the smart devices app installed. Once that is done you can use the app on any phone to control the device or just schedule regular cleaning runs. There are buttons on top of the device to start/pause cleaning and also to send it back to the charging station. I would have appreciated one such button on the station too to bring it back from wherever it is wandering.
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The Samsung Jet Bot+ for me is different from the other models I have used so far because it seems to have the best LiDAR Scanner yet. This means it plots the layout of the house quite well and thus has a very methodic way to cleaning the areas. It hardly misses a spot.
The scanner also helps the Samsung Jet Bot+ identify no-go areas where it could get stuck. And unlike a lot of the other robots I have used before, this one just avoids doing under tables and sofas where it is not sure about the terrain. It does go in if you get the chairs out of the way, for instance.
The bot has a high-efficiency brush under it which sucks up most particles on the ground and is especially effective when on carpets. I could see the threads on the fabric carpet stand up every time the Samsung Jet Bot+ went over it. There are the regular fan-like brushes that sweep in particles towards the suction area. And this combination does a good job of cleaning the floor of most stuff. Interestingly, the bot is smart enough in some way to avoid particles it cannot ingest, unlike older bots in which these would get stuck somewhere. Even large paper is avoided.
One single charge is usually good enough to clean a two-bedroom home like mine. It takes a few hours to charge back to full, so it is better to schedule cleaning sessions. The Samsung Jet Bot+ is among the more silent cleaning robots I have seen, but it is not exactly silent. Even when the cleaning station is sucking up the dirt from inside the bot, it is quieter than models I have used before.
The app is very useful to set up routines just the way you want. Samsung lets you set up cleaning routines by times or even other conditions like when you are not at home. Another great feature is how you can use voice to control the bot. But this Bixby feature can be used only after the vacuum cleaner has fully mapped out the home, which could take a few runs. One this is done, you can also select areas on the map which are defined as no-go zones for the bot, again another useful feature.
The cleaning station can be cleaned easily though you don’t need to do this very frequently. After using the bot for two-three weeks, the dust bag inside was not more that 20% full. So I guess you won’t be cleaning this is less that six weeks.
The one negative is that despite the LiDAR Scanner, this bot too gets stuck in cables and cords, so that’s something you will have to be careful about before letting this loose in your home.
At Rs 65,900, the Samsung Jet Bot+ is a good option for those who don’t have a lot of help in cleaning homes. The cost will even out over time when you consider the money you have to spend on someone who will help you with cleaning. I would recommend this for homes with small kids and pets, thus requiring regular cleaning. The Samsung Jet Bot+ offers smart cleaning in the real sense and is not a dumb robot that go around the home sucking everything in sight.
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First published on: 28-06-2023 at 17:48 IST