Intel’s 12th Gen processors were a great step forward for the company, launching a new hybrid chip design. The Core i7-12700K and Core i9-12900K are two solid processors and the versions without integrated GPUs are on sale for Amazon Prime Day take two (Early Access Sale). This discounts the already discounted processors further.
We positively reviewed both processors and gave the Intel Core i9-12900K our best award for its performance and value. Most PC owners will have a discrete GPU at hand for use with the Core i7 or Core i9 chip, which makes the lack of any integrated graphics processing a non-issue.
Let’s now talk specs. The Intel Core i7-12700KF has 12 cores and 20 threads. The Intel Core i9-12900KF bumps this up to 16 cores and 24 threads. The clock speeds are super-fast too with the boost of both CPUs capable of hitting at least 5.0GHz. You will require a new motherboard if you’re not already using a supported board, however.
Couple even the more affordable Core i7 with a recent NVIDIA or AMD graphics card and you’ll have a very powerful PC. Check out our Amazon Early Access Sale live blog for all the latest tech deals!