The M2 MacBooks may be the hot new laptops on the scene, but the older models are still pretty fantastic laptops. So if you’re hoping to snatch an M1 model at a discount, we’ve got the deals you’ve been waiting for.
Costco is selling several M1 MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models for $199 or $249 off, the lowest prices we’ve seen this year. Notably, you don’t need to be a member to buy one, though members will be able to pick up their order at a store. The sale ends Friday, according to Costco’s website. Here are the models that are on sale:
MacBook Air (M1, 512GB): $1,050 ($199 off)
13-inch MacBook Pro (M1, 256GB): $1,050 ($249 off)
13-inch MacBook Pro (M1, 512GB): $1,250 ($249 off)
Those are fantastic prices. For comparison, the M2 MacBook Air starts at $1,199 and M2 MacBook Pro starts at $1,299 with a slower and smaller SSD. And Apple still sells the M1 MacBook Air with 256GB of storage for $999 with a less-capable chip (7-core GPU vs 8-core GPU) and less storage.
Of course, the M2 is a better chip, but otherwise, the M1 13-inch MacBook Pro is identical to the M2 model. And while the M2 MacBook Air got a complete redesign, it lost some of its identity, namely the iconic wedge design on the M1 model.
So if you want to save some money and get a great laptop, head over to Costco and check out the sale.