Several fake Helldivers 2 listings appear on Steam, prompting Arrowhead to request takedowns

Though it doesn’t happen often, it’s not unheard of for nefarious actors to publish scam games on the Steam store or trick players into buying existing ones by renaming them to match a far more popular title. A case of the latter fraud occurred in the dead of night on Thursday evening, as the pages of two Steam games were edited to make them appear as if they were discounted listings for Helldivers 2.

Arrowhead Game Studios’ new third-person PvE co-op shooter has been at the peak of Steam’s Top Sellers chart for weeks, and evidently, someone wanted to take advantage of that popularity to try and make a quick buck. Fortunately, Arrowhead quickly realized what was going on, and was able to work with Steam developer Valve to get the fake listings removed. About an hour after these scam pages were spotted, they got taken down like Bile Titans caught in the blast of a 500kg bomb stratagem. Good riddance.

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