Shell Scripting Is Still Relevant! 7 Reasons to Learn Bash Scripting

Shell scripting is a lot more powerful than many people realize. With the right commands, shell scripting can automate many tasks and even make life easier for the user. Here’s why you shouldn’t sleep on bash scripting and why it’s worth learning.

Why Learn Bash Scripting?

Bash scripting is a type of programming language. “Scripting” is a list of commands and parameters that are to be executed one after the next in sequential order. Bash also has additional structures like if statements, while loops, and functions, making it closer to a fully-featured scripting language.

However, unlike many other languages, bash scripting doesn’t use a compiler to run its code but instead relies on a command-line interpreter. The interpreter takes the commands from Bash and runs them as if they were commands typed into the terminal. Because of that, some people don’t call Bash a programming language, although it could be considered such.

Learning Bash is really useful, especially if you want to unlock the full power of a Unix or Linux system. Here are some of the most compelling reasons to look at Bash scripting as something to learn.

Automate Your Boring Tasks

Linux mascot on a desk next to a laptop.
Lucas Gouveia / Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek

Have you ever had to do the same task every month or so? Did you wish there was a way to automate those tasks and speed up your work cycle? Bash might be the answer to your problems. The scripting language carries a lot of power in what it can let you do since it has access to all the functions of the Unix terminal.

Routine tasks like database backups or disk cleanups can be scheduled to run at a particular time to make your work cycle more efficient. All it takes is some research to figure out what you need for your specific task. Moreover, commands can be combined so that a single script can perform complex processing without user interference.

Sometimes, you need to know what’s happening behind the scenes in your system. Maybe you’re experiencing random packet drops, or your hard disk is having trouble. Luckily, you can easily set up basic Bash tools to help you tell what’s happening.

Custom tools are an excellent way to streamline Bash. With these tools, you can trace and troubleshoot issues within your system. With the proper setup, you can also send messages or emails to yourself if you need to intervene manually. Building custom tools doesn’t require much knowledge; it just requires understanding what you want to do and which commands can get it done.

Learning Bash Makes You Better at Linux and Unix

As most people who already use the operating system know, the Bash shell is an integral part of Linux and Unix-based systems. Bash stands for “Bourne Again SHell” and is named after Stephen Bourne, one of the creators of Bash’s predecessors.

Bash scripting commands are as varied as the command set that Unix’s terminal has. Bash commands can also use parameters, expanding their usability and making them a powerful way of controlling Linux. The more you learn about Bash, the more you realize how deeply it is embedded into Unix and its derived systems.

Bash also runs on Windows, so you’re not limited by your operating system either.

Bash is Amazingly Portable

A laptop running Ubuntu with a Linux Terminal open
Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek


Let’s say you wrote a Bash script on an Ubuntu system. Could that same script run on another Unix-based machine? It can. Bash is among the most portable scripting languages, allowing users to write their script on any Unix machine and run it on any other compatible Unix machine.

However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Many Linux-based machines run Bash as their standard scripting engine, but some distributions, like Alpine and Debian, don’t. Testing your script with other shells can help with portability. Dash is the shell interpreter that Alpine and Debian use.

For further portability, you could always check to see if your Bash script has any “bashisms” in it. Bashisms are unique to Bash itself and won’t run on any other distribution shells. While Bash is portable, it’s not perfect. Using these workarounds can help ensure your code remains compatible across all Unix-based systems.

Bash Is Among The Most Approachable Scripting Languages Around

If you’ve spent time trying to learn a programming language, you might realize it’s not a walk in the park. However, if you’re already learning how to use the Unix command line, it’s not too big of a jump to do Bash scripting. All it takes is learning a few more concepts and examining a few script examples to get started.

Bash doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. It sticks to the basics of syntax without the strangeness of memory management or the complexity of database manipulation. The data it works on is already present on your machine, and it does the same things your operating system does, just slightly differently. Even if you’ve never coded anything, you can jump into Bash scripting without prior coding or scripting experience.

One of the most compelling things about using Bash is how easy it is to find support online. There is no shortage of Bash tutorials or tips and tricks for writing better Bash code on the Internet. From Github to StackOverflow, there are thousands of online resources that beginners to Bash can use to learn more about it or address specific problems they may have.

Shell scripting can be daunting for the beginner, but it’s not as terrible as you might think. With so many beginner-friendly shell scripting tutorials focused specifically on Bash, getting proficient at it is just a matter of finding a tutorial you like and getting your hands dirty writing scripts.

A Great Foundation for Learning Other Languages

A laptop with the Python download webpage open on Chrome.
Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek

Bash’s ease of use makes it one of the best starting points for people who want to learn a language but not one that’s super complex. Bash demonstrates several programming language concepts, such as case statements and for loops. These concepts carry over to other languages, meaning whatever you learn from Bash can also be used in other languages.

There’s No Better Time to Learn Bash

Bash is going to be around for a long time. It’s one of the core pillars of many Linux systems and is so easy to learn that almost anyone can pick it up. Whether you’re just considering Linux or have been using it for a while, learning Bash will improve how you interact with your operating system. Even if you’re not planning on using it professionally, there’s no question that it’s a valuable skill.

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