You’ll need to begin my locating the frozen puff pastry in your supermarket, something that is often found in the frozen desserts aisle. You’ll also need some apples, and Bryant uses granny smiths, as they are best for baking. In the dairy section, pick up some butter, milk, and eggs (you’ll just need one of these), then, if you need to, swing through the center aisles to grab granulated sugar, brown sugar, corn starch, cinnamon, and allspice.
One of the ingredients Bryant uses here is something not everyone likes: raisins. Bryant says they are traditional in such recipes, and adds that “they do sort of get lost in the general sweet flavor of the strudel,” but she says it’s also traditional to use chopped nuts either in addition to or instead of the raisins. If you’re no raisin fan, swap them out for a handful of chopped walnuts, or just leave them out of your strudel.