Some bizarre and hilarious conspiracy theories regarding Apple

Been reading up on some bizarre conspiracy theories regarding Apple as a company, some I feel are plausible but others are beyond bizarre and borderline moronic. Don’t suggest that I believe all these are real, but some definitely are. Enjoy

1. Apple installs a self destruct chip in every device. After 15 years the device shuts down and becomes inoperable no matter how much you try to repair it.

2. Apple has 90% control of Pfizer and the covid vaccine rollout has installed nanochips into the skin of everyone who has had the jab. This chip is linked to the new M1 and M2 processors and gives Apple biometric data about yourself. Apples master plan is to use this data to create the perfect robotic human. Apple also utilise the use of 5G , which spreads covid through your phone


3. Apple updates older software or machines to deliberately make it lag and much much slower so the user is forced to ditch the current systems they are using and upgrade as they become so slow to use anymore.

4. Apples cameras and microphones on smartphones or macbooks pick up conversations and take photographs of you while you’re using the device. Key words that flag up in the system are “apple, money, windows and Bill Gates“

5. Steve Jobs IS still ALIVE and hiding in Egypt


6. Current CEO of Apple Tim Cook is a dummy and was designed by Jobs himself using the biometric data of all apple owners to run operations while Jobs created a subsidiary of Apple known as “slice” which will eventually take over Apple

7. The ghost of Steve Jobs apparently resides in the Apple Headquarters. There are rumours of staff members hearing groaning noises , loud bangs and moans in Jobs old office.

8. Apple is creating weaponry and developing weapons for use at Area 51

9. Tim Cook is an anagram of Mit Ocok which is part of a mysterious language only a few people know about and stands for “ Robot”

10. Osama bin Laden is the true founder of Apple

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