Sonic Superstars review – fast friends

Review information

Platform reviewed: PS5
Available on: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC
Release date: October 17, 2023

Sonic Superstars brings side-scrolling action back to the series after a six-year hiatus, yet developers Arzest and Sonic Team have ensured the 2D formula hasn’t lost a shred of speed. Existing series fans can rest assured that they’re getting another quality entry in the Classic Sonic run. And if you’re a newcomer, you’ll find the game’s sense of high speed, tight level design, and support for local co-op play to be uniquely fun amongst today’s platformers.

Superstars is a looker, too, opting for a fully 3D visual style that, while lacking some of the charm of its predecessors’ sprite-based graphics, is nonetheless delightful in its own right, thanks to colorful presentation and strong art direction. Each new zone is instantly distinct and visually striking, and that 3D look helps new mechanics that involve foreground and background layers easily readable.

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