Starfield will be getting more DLC after Shattered Space — here’s what to expect

What you need to know

  • Starfield’s first paid expansion, Shattered Space, is currently in development and slated to launch later this year. 
  • In an interview, Bethesda Game Studios’ Todd Howard confirmed that the team is preparing “Year 2” for Starfield, as well as working on a second big expansion. 
  • Howard also confirmed that Shattered Space has been in development for just under a year, and that the majority of the expansion takes place on the same planet and city.
  • Starfield is available right now across Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC, as well as being included in Xbox Game Pass.

Fans of Bethesda Game Studios’ science-fiction role-playing game have more to look forward to past 2024. 

That’s according to game director Todd Howard, who talked with YouTuber MrMattyPlays in an interview on Sunday. Howard talked about a wide number of topics, including what is coming in “Year 2” and beyond for Starfield. Howard confirms that Starfield: Shattered Space will not be the only paid expansion for Starfield, and the team is already working on the second big DLC. 

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