Studies Suggest 1.3 Million Nissan and Renault Cars Have Emissions Altering Device

A recent study conducted by a UK law firm suggests that over 1.3 million Nissan and Renault diesel Cars using Emissions Altering Device. This has prompted a potential lawsuit against the two manufacturers and has shaken the automotive industry once again. The law firm behind the study, Harcus Parker, alleges that Renault and Nissan may have used a device to detect when a car is being evaluated for emissions and adjust the vehicle’s performance accordingly, effectively cheating the emissions tests and artificially lowering the car’s emissions output.

If found guilty, the two companies could face significant financial penalties, not to mention the impact on their brand reputation and trust in the automotive industry.

This news is not the first time that allegations of diesel emissions cheating have hit major automotive companies. In 2015, the Volkswagen scandal rocked the industry, admitting to installing “defeat devices” on approximately 11 million diesel cars worldwide. Other manufacturers, such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, have also come under scrutiny over their emissions levels.

However, these latest Renault and Nissan diesel claims are noteworthy as they could be another chapter in the still-ongoing Dieselgate saga. According to the study, the alleged affected models were produced between 2009 and 2019, including popular models such as the Nissan Qashqai and Renault Clio.

Nissan and Renault have categorically denied the allegations, stating that their vehicles comply with all applicable laws and regulations. They have also challenged the methodology used by the law firm in its study and have called for more rigorous testing to validate the allegations.

Nevertheless, this news is the latest blow to the automotive industry, which is in the midst of a major transformation as it transitions towards electric and hybrid vehicles. Many consumers are already turning away from diesel and petrol vehicles due to concerns over emissions and air quality, and this latest news may further erode consumer confidence in the industry.

Nissan and Renault will feel the implications of this news for some time. The potential legal and financial ramifications of the allegations and the damage to their reputations will require a concerted effort on their part to address. Moreover, the broader impact on the automotive industry highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the sector and more rigorous testing and regulation to ensure that consumers can trust the vehicles they purchase.

What other automakers should learn from this incident

The ongoing Renault and Nissan emission claims emphasise the importance of having a transparent and ethical business culture. Companies must prioritise customer safety and the protection of the environment above profit margins. Automakers should focus on developing cleaner and more efficient engines, without the need for cheating methods, and work towards meeting current and future emissions standards.

It highlights the need for greater regulation and enforcement of emissions standards. This should include stricter penalties for those found to be violating regulations. The EU has already introduced new emissions testing systems to detect and prevent cheating. However, further measures may be needed to ensure that all automakers comply with regulations and that emissions levels continue to decrease.

Automakers should be more willing to invest in alternative technologies, such as hybrids and electric vehicles, to help reduce emissions. Many manufacturers are already recognising the importance of this, with some planning to phase out petrol and diesel engines altogether in the coming years. This helps protect the environment and allows automakers to stay ahead of the curve in terms of innovation and consumer preferences.

Automakers should be open and transparent about potential product issues or faults with their customers. Customer trust is paramount, and the company’s reputation can suffer greatly if seen as withholding information or trying to cover up problems.

How long does the emission claim take?

It is important to note that the duration of diesel car emission claims can vary significantly depending on the extent of the issue, the complexity of the case, and the legal processes involved. Typically, these claims can take a few months to several years to be resolved. 

The duration of the claim can also be affected by factors such as the number of vehicles involved, the level of damage caused to the environment, and the number of plaintiffs involved in the legal proceedings.

In some cases, the manufacturers of diesel cars may choose to settle out of court. This can often speed up the resolution of a claim but can also result in lower compensation for plaintiffs. Settlements may also include non-disclosure agreements, preventing plaintiffs from speaking publicly about the case or the settlement.

How can I take action and file my diesel claim?

As a responsible citizen, it is crucial to take action against diesel vehicles contributing to harmful emissions. If you own or have owned a diesel car or van, you may be entitled to diesel compensation for the additional harm these vehicles cause to the environment and public health. By filing a diesel emissions claim, you can hold diesel vehicle manufacturers accountable for their actions.

To file a diesel emissions claim, you have to determine eligibility. can help you with what you need to do. It will provide comprehensive knowledge support to file your claim and get your deserved compensation.

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