Webcams are back on the agenda again and with the likes of zoom and teams exploding during the pandemic most of us who worked in an office or worked from home would be using one now, the typical webcam on your laptop or PC today is rubbish being honest and after testing several webcams over the last few months it is easy to see why people now invest in such gadgets and they are not that expensive either and for many an important tool when conducting meetings and interviews and so on.
This webcam is a simple plug and play with no real technical knowledge required even to adjust the settings once installed it will fit onto any pc or laptop with a USB port and having tested on both my chromebook and laptop the results are quite remarkable as you will see even in the set up process in the full video review below.
The webcam comes with a tripod too so you can place it where you like which is a nice bonus, there is also a lens cover you can adjust the camera to turn the head and zoom in, you have 2K HD and a Wide-angle lens that allows for Two field-of-view options selectable, allowing you to adjust the field of view between 90° and 60°
The webcam has a dual mic built in too and noise cancelling which I noted worked well in comparison to other models here I have tested which is quite a few now.

1. HDR
2. 1080P/60FPS; 2k/30FPS
3. Angle of view change with HDR on/off.
4. Built in privacy cover
5. autofocus
6. tripod included