The promise of technology offers enormous upside to help businesses achieve both their sustainability and revenue objectives. Advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain, cloud computing and data analytics can help businesses achieve both goals with much less need for trading off one against the other.
It needn’t be a daunting prospect for business leaders. They can approach a decarbonised future with confidence if they adopt a hierarchy of actions and embed sustainability within their organisations.
A ‘doable’ framework
Shaun Chau is Managing Director, ANZ Sustainability Lead, Accenture.
Sustainability needs to be built into business strategy. Thinking through the objectives and trade-offs becomes an integral part of how companies should start thinking about sustainability.
After strategy, it is all about action. This will help drive business growth and ESG performance. Three activities are important:
1. Developing a robust system for measuring and managing your emissions and sustainability metrics:
- Baseline and automate collection of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
- Assess if you’re doing enough; national targets are likely to go up.
- Consider where the business will be in the next 5-10 years.
2. Building out and implementing costed activity plans that will help meet your carbon and other targets:
- Success will take different forms for different businesses, changing operational processes will be hard.
- The right people and technologies will be vital to meeting targets.
3. Assessing how new value can be created from sustainability:
- A transition to lower emissions is not all about costs – a sustainability strategy can drive significant value and revenue growth which often leads to cost savings.
- Identifying sustainability differentiators could lead to a significant market advantage. Deploying the right technology can be a path for differentiation, saving costs and achieving transition goals.
Measuring, managing and reporting on sustainability data will be a must on the transition journey. Knowing how outcomes are changing based on different activities will be important to saving costs and creating new value.
Technology as an aid in transition
Delivering on Australia’s sustainability agenda will be impossible without technology. However, many organisations are just scratching below the surface in terms of what it is possible. Only 7 per cent of executive teams have considered the role of technology in sustainability.
The journey starts with an effective sustainable technology strategy to reduce emissions and unlock new revenue opportunities. This helps drive business growth and ESG performance, and accelerates transformation by integrating three connected but disparate elements.
Sustainability by tech leverages technologies such as AI, blockchain, IoT, Cloud and Analytics to reduce emissions and increase transparency in the measurement and disclosure of carbon footprints. For example intelligent systems optimise energy loads in offices and data centres.
Sustainability in tech measures ESG impacts of the technology itself, and works to ensure it is designed, developed and deployed sustainably. As more people go online, technology use increases, and IT-based carbon emissions rise. Adopting green data strategies and embedding green principles into the software development lifecycle are just two of many ways to negate tech’s impact.
Sustainability at scale means we’re all in this together. Businesses will rely on sustainable partners across their supply chains. Together, businesses, technology companies, not-for-profits, government organisations and sustainability consultants can repurpose, reinvent or reimagine technology and create sustainable business models across industries.
No single organisation can do it alone. By pooling resources, and developing common blueprints for action, sustainability goals can be achieved. Much of this is through tapping into the power of the wider ecosystem – recognising interdependencies between organisations, stakeholders and technology.
Commitment to net-zero helps drive business change
Beginning with baby-steps, we’ve helped clients begin their own sustainability journey in a number of different ways. These include developing innovative and pragmatic solutions to enhance the sustainability of their buildings; exploring locations which could provide the most beneficial solar panel locations and using AI to map and optimise energy use.
We have also committed to achieving net-zero emissions in Australia by 2025. Our financial, ESG reporting and data is detailed in a single, public digital report: The Accenture 360° Value Reporting Experience.
This aligns with a push for our clients to fully integrate sustainability into business strategy – and not make it a ‘bolt-on’ to BAU.
While there may be some costs from a net-zero commitment, there will be many more opportunities. Nothing less will be needed to bring our country’s climate objectives to fruition.
Shaun Chau, Managing Director, ANZ Sustainability Lead, Accenture.