Telegram set for monetisation, launches sponsored posts – Here’s what it is

    Telegram, quite unlike WhatsApp, has had no major monetising plan so far. The messaging platform has been bankrolled personally by its founder Pavel Durov. A platform of this size and strength obviously cannot be run on an individual’s money. Late last year, Durov had spoken about the platform’s plans at revenue generation. “If we monetize large public one-to-many channels via the Ad Platform, the owners of these channels will receive free traffic in proportion to their size,” he had written then.

    And sticking to that idea, Telegram has now announced that the messaging platform is launching Sponsored Messages – a tool that allows anyone to promote their channels and bots. As it happens, it is currently in test mode and not available to everyone. Once is is fully launched, it is expected to help Telegram to cover its basic costs (such as equipment and data centers).

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