Texas Bitcoin Bill Could Eliminate Key Source Of Funds For Miners

A bill is on its way to the Texas House that would increase power costs for the biggest Bitcoin miner by as much as $30 million annually.

The bill would restrict the total amount of power bitcoin miners could provide to the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the state’s power grid, in demand-response programs. It would also bar bitcoin miners from using the same property tax breaks allotted to other industrial-scale power consumers.

Both of these measures could significantly hamper (particularly large) bitcoin mining operators in Texas by increasing operating costs. Bitcoin mining profitability (what miners call “hashprice”) has shrunk 60% year over-year, and the bill would further carve down already thinning margins.

The bill already passed the Texas Senate. If it passes the House, Governor Greg Abbott would still need to approve it before it becomes law, something that some miners believe is unlikely given both the conservative nature of Texas’ House and Abbott’s favorable stance toward bitcoin mining.

But never say never. The bill could still grow into a law, and if it does, it will remove a new cost-reduction strategy that big miners like Riot Platforms have increasingly used to reduce expenses in the past two years.

How Miners Make Money “Selling” Power Back To The Grid

Bitcoin miners draw a lot of power, and like other industrial-scale electricity consumers, they can send power back to the grid via various demand response and curtailing programs. Texas’ power authority ERCOT is an independent system operator (ISO), meaning unlike most other grids, it’s a free market where neither the state or federal government controls the grid’s flow of electricity. Additionally, ERCOT is the only ISO in the US that is contained within state lines, so all power bought and sold in Texas remains in-state.

Enter bitcoin miners and industrial power users. When demand stresses ERCOT’s grid and electricity supply is low, bitcoin miners, data-centers, factories, and the like can power down operations to free up power for the grid. The electricity they otherwise would be using go to residents, commercial buildings, and essential services, and typically ERCOT will compensate the industrial consumers for this service.

Every power contract is different, so the compensation may differ (or may not exist at all). For bitcoin miners, this compensation usually takes the form of “power credits” which they can use to cover future power bills.

Law Would Cut Off Major Cost-Reduction Tool For Riot, Other Mega-miners

SB 1751 would essentially neutralize this source of revenue for bitcoin miners. The bill stipulates that bitcoin miners can only account for 10% of demand response at any given time.

Riot Platforms provides the best case-study for gitcoin mining demand response to see how this impacts revenue. The public mining company started participating in demand response in 2021, but that was just the warm up. While Riot earned $6.5 million in credits in 2021, the amount quadrupled in 2022 to reach $27.3 million in power credits. Put another way, power credits represented 10% of Riot’s 2022 revenue, but in 2021 it was 3%.

Now, these credits are not direct revenue, but they free up liquid cash that would otherwise go to paying for electricity.

Riot states in its 2022 financials that, factoring in power credits, its average cost to produce a single bitcoin in 2022 was $11,225, a 6% decrease YoY. As Riot Platforms states in their 2023 10-K, the power credits played a significant role in lowering the miner’s cost of production in 2022.

“These credits are recognized in power curtailment credits in the statements of operations, outside of cost of revenues, but significantly reduce the Company’s overall cost to mine bitcoin. When netting the power curtailment credits with the costs of revenues, the net costs as a percentage of mining revenue were 39.7% and 24.7% for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.”

Per Riot’s most recent 10-K, the company’s 2022 revenue was $259.2 million, versus $213.2 million in 2021. The cost of this revenue was $193.7 million and $82.1 million, making power credits 14.1% and 7.9% of these expenses. Riot’s primary business lines consist of proprietary mining, hosting machines for other miners, and engineering services. Looking at the cost of revenues for mining and hosting, Riot’s power credits helped it shave off 20% and 8.3% from its expenses in 2022 and 2021.

There are other bitcoin miners in Texas, public and private, which participate in demand response, but so far Riot is the only one to publish consistent data. Additionally, other industrial-scale power consumers like hospitals, factories, and refiners can participate in these demand response programs. But shutting down a hospital has dire consequences for patients, and factories can take a long time to spin down depending on the manufacturing. Bitcoin mining is unique in the sense that select mining centers can power down on a whim to no detriment of either other services or the Bitcoin network.

One last thing to note. While Uri has been the subject of much analysis when discussing miner demand responses, prices in Texas peaked in the summer, the time when Riot likely earned the most credits for its curtailment.

The Bill Would Affect All Big Miners, Public and Private

Riot Platforms is one of the few public miners that has published consistent data on its demand response programs. Other miners who are active in Texas, like Argo and Core Scientific, have not disclosed whether they received power credits for demand response – or any discount / payment at all.

For its part, Core Scientific noted in its 10-K that it does participate in curtailment, but unlike Riot, it says that it does not receive power credits for this. In fact, it mentions the opposite; Core Scientific’s power costs may go up if it doesn’t curtail when the grid needs power. The example is a good reminder that curtailment does not ensure compensation and that each company may have its own unique cost setup with ERCOT.

A representative from Marathon stated that the company “voluntarily curtails operations to support the grid” and “participates in demand response … in West Texas” but that any revenue they generate from this is immaterial to their bottom line.

A source familiar with Argo said that the company did curtail operations to meet grid demand in 2022 but that it did not participate in demand response programs that compensated it for the curtailment. Following Galaxy Digital’s acquisition of Argo’s Helios facility in Texas, Argo no longer manages power agreements for the facility.

Cipher Mining declined to comment, but the company’s 10-K for 2022 somewhat vaguely states that it “anticipate[s] that we will, either directly, or through our power providers, participate in demand response programs offered by ERCOT.”

Bill Could Affect Nearly A Tenth of Bitcoin’s Total Hashrate

Per public filings combed by Block Green in April, major public Bitcoin miners house a whopping 32.9 exahashes (EH/s) of Bitcoin mining equipment in Texas. That’s the rough equivalent of 330,000 Bitcoin machines worth ~$55 million dollars.

Argo and Marathon both have the majority of their hashrate in Texas, while Riot has all of its operations in the state. This concentration could make Riot particularly sensitive to the legislation if it passes and power prices in the state continue to rise, as has been the trend since 2020, while other companies could be better positioned to move and expand hashrate to other US states where they already have a presence. That said, Riot Platforms is still in solid financial shape compared to some of its peers given its already low power costs and low debt. Other miners who operate in Texas, like Core Scientific and Argo, for example, are in financial straits, so geographic distribution wouldn’t help if a miner is under financial stress.

Even so, Riot’s stock has risen a staggering 28% since news of the bill began circulating, which can be attributed to its solid reputation, overall strong financial footing, and bitcoin’s bullish start to the year. It appears that traders are not overly concerned about the bill right now. Bitcoin mining stocks are just a drop in the sea of stock market liquidity in the US, and these companies and their investor bases are not as mature as other equities. So instead of positive or negative developments largely driving valuations, changes in the price of bitcoin drive Bitcoin mining stock prices, because investors largely treat them as a high-beta play on bitcoin’s price. Bitcoin has been on a ripper this year, so Bitcoin mining stocks have surged accordingly.

The Bill Is Not Catastrophic, But Still a Blow

Senate Bill 1751 wouldn’t cripple Bitcoin mining in Texas. But it would set a poor precedent given that bitcoin miners are not doing anything special, and they only account for 2.1 GW of total power draw in Texas. That’s less than 1% of total state electricity production according to summer of 2021 data, and moreover, out of the 435,627,878 megawatt hours (MWh) produced at this time, Texas energy consumers only used 35,754,673 MWh (8.2%).

The timing of the bill is also interesting given that two bills (SB6 and SB7) are circulating through the Texas legislature concurrently with SB1751 which would provide 0% interest loans and other incentives (like fixed, advanced payments) to peaker plant construction, the natural gas plants that fire up only in case of energy shortages. Bitcoin mining demand response arguably competes with peaker plants by providing power to the grid.

In fact, Political Action Committees (PAC) representing electricity and utilities providers which operate peaker plants have contributed to the campaigns of two of the bill’s sponsors. The CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Texas PAC, for example, contributed to the campaigns of republican senators Lois Kolkhorst and Donna Campbell. Notably, CenterPoint Energy, a national utilities company, has lobbied for natural gas peaker plants in Indiana, New Jersey, and it operates peaker plants in Texas too.

SB6 and SB7 aside, some might consider SB1751 uncharacteristic for Texas’ legislature, particularly considering the bill’s three sponsors are republicans. The legislation may call to mind the crackdown on banking for crypto business with project Choke Point 2.0, and some commentators have drawn comparisons between SB 1751 and Choke Point 2.0 banking measures.

Regardless of where it’s coming from or why, SB 1751 would be a detriment to bitcoin miners, one that could drive hashrate out of the US’s biggest bitcoin mining hub. That’s if it passes the Texas House of Representatives, and many miners and industry commentators think the chances of this are slim.

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