Thank Liberty: Helldivers 2 will soon fix the biggest problem with its high-difficulty missions

What you need to know

  • A common criticism of Helldivers 2’s gameplay at high difficulties is how frequently tough-armored threats like Chargers and Bile Titans spawn. Many players feel like they can’t effectively fight these enemies with the game’s existing anti-tank options due to how frequently they appear.
  • Arrowhead has confirmed that it plans to adjust the “spawn rates and health pools of heavy enemies” in a future hotfix.
  • While there will be fewer armored elite foes, the game will spawn “more ‘chaff’ enemies to support them.” This will hopefully preserve the challenge of high difficulty modes while making many more stratagems viable.
  • Also, despite not being in the patch notes, the developers also say this week’s balance update buffed the Expendable Anti-Tank and Recoilless Rifle launchers by removing a 50% damage penalty that could occur if their rockets hit an enemy at an angle.

The first Helldivers 2 balance patch went live earlier this week, but it wasn’t exactly well-received by players. Many in the community were frustrated that meta options like the Railgun were nerfed while other anti-tank weapons didn’t get any buffs to make them better at higher levels, with that smoldering disappointment sparking into flames of controversy when fans and developers got into a few heated arguments. Overall, the whole situation was rather overdramatic, though I do think players hit the nail on the head in regard to their criticisms of high-difficulty gameplay.

As I wrote yesterday, the Helldivers 2 meta is a symptom of a much larger problem: the absurd rate at which tough-armored foes like Chargers and Bile Titans spawn on Tier 7-9 difficulty. Nerfing the Railgun didn’t make other anti-tank options better; it just took the only one that felt reliable at the highest level of play and made it worse, fully exposing the core issue, which is unmanageable elite unit spam.

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