That Viral Egg Cooker Is on Sale – LifeSavvy

Crushed avocado and eggs sit on pieces of toast.

Whether you love a jammy egg or go full hard-boiled, getting eggs perfect every time is hard. But there’s a viral product that can help—and it’s on sale!

The viral DASH egg cooker is on sale for $16.99 during Amazon’s New Year’s sale. Whether you’re making a cobb salad or just want a perfect egg all on its own, this is the tool that’ll give it to you.

The DASH cooker fits six eggs and comes with boiling, poaching, and omelet trays because yes, you can make more than just jammy eggs with this appliance. You’ll simply insert your eggs, set them to boil, and in 12 minutes, you’ll have perfect eggs.

There are multiple settings depending on how exactly you’d like your “boiled” eggs cooked. When they’re done, you’ll get a cute little musical tone, and the power light on the front will turn off.

Don’t worry about the appliance taking up too much space, either. It’s compact at just 6″x7.5″ and weighs just one pound. Whether you want to leave it sitting on a counter or stash it in a cabinet, you can do either without having it take away too much space from other items. Plus, if you do want to leave it out, the tool comes in a multitude of colors including aqua (which is the only model on sale), red, yellow, and black.

Whether you’re looking to meal prep breakfasts or want to make eggs for your cobb salads, the DASH egg cooker can help.

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