The 24 Funniest and Rare Reddit Trophies and Achievements You Can Get

If you’ve checked out someone’s profile on Reddit, you’ve probably seen that they have a collection of achievements and trophies on the right side of the screen. Some are cooler than others, so let’s go over a few that are sure to impress fellow Redditors.

1 Well-Rounded

The well-rounded trophy has a fun little graphic of Reddit mascot Snoo in a blue outline reminiscent of the golden ratio. It’s rather complicated to get, but it’s not impossible. As Reddit user Greenthund3r explains, you have to make at least three posts and three comments within 24 hours. Reddit determines your score by taking either post or comment karma, whichever is lower, and if you have the most karma for the day, you’re awarded the trophy.

To get ComboLinker, you have to submit “lots of good links” in a row. You need to submit multiple links and receive several thousand upvotes. Details are scarce, but the links probably have to be submitted within a day, as ComboCommenter requires two or more comments in a row with a lot of upvotes.

These trophies feature a clever play on the word “insightful.” They’re similar to ComboLinker and ComboCommenter, the main difference being that your post or comment also has to receive lots of downvotes. In other words, you have to write something provoking, and the algorithm might reward you with a trophy. Interestingly, to get an Inciteful Link, you don’t necessarily have to post an external link, as user Rema5000 got the trophy for a post without any links.

The Heart of the Community trophy is one of the cutest, as it features an adorable graphic of an excited Snoo holding a heart. You have to be a subreddit mod (moderator) to be eligible. Next, you have to host a community event or project and apply for a fund application to CommunityFunds. If you get accepted and the project is successful, you might be handed the Heart of the Community trophy, along with those who helped you host it.

5 Corps Member

The Corps Member is another mod-exclusive trophy. It features a yellow safety helmet with a green shield icon that represents mods. To get the trophy, you have to be offered a paid contract to work on Reddit. According to user Femilip, Reddit reached out directly and offered a contract.

6 Adopted-an-Admin & Adopted-Admin

Adopt-an-Admin is a trophy that’s only awarded to Reddit mods and Adopted-Admin to Reddit admins as part of the Adopt-an-Admin program. The program pairs Reddit admins and moderators so that they can better understand various subreddit communities. Getting Adopted-an-Admin is significantly less challenging, as you only have to be a moderator of an eligible subreddit to have a chance at getting the trophy.

7 Open Sorcerer

Are you a coding wizard? If the answer is yes, you can get this cute little trophy by contributing code to Reddit. The trophy is given out manually, so it sometimes takes years before appearing on your account if your code ends up getting used. The coolest part about the Open Sorcerer trophy is that it also displays what you got the trophy for below it, and users can click on the trophy to see your code on GitHub.

8 White Hat

White Hat is similar to Open Sorcerer, as both are related to coding. To earn this one, you need to find and report a problem with Reddit’s code as part of Reddit’s Bug Bounty Program. This is a direct reference to “white hat hacking,” a term that describes an ethical type of hacking where individuals find and report issues to the platform administrators.

9 Alienator

Alienator is among the most difficult Reddit trophies that you can still get, at least according to Reddit’s ongoing trophies list. The last user who got it was Poyoarya, and this was roughly 9–10 years ago, as the user hasn’t been active since 2015. To get Alienator, you have to design a version of Reddit’s logo that’ll end up on the front page. I’m sure that the next person to get Alienator will also earn loads of Reddit Gold.

10 Basement Dweller

In addition to trophies, Reddit has a bunch of achievements that are easier and more predictable to unlock. And what better way to kick off the list than with the one with the funniest name: Basement Dweller. To get it, you must vote, post, comment, or share on Reddit for 500 days. It’s part of the Reddit Streak category that rewards activity. At the time of writing, nobody has this achievement, as it hasn’t been 500 days since the category launched.

11 Profile Perfectionist

If you’re the type of person who personalizes their social media profile the instant they register, you’ll already have this achievement. To get Profile Perfectionist, all you have to do is add a banner image and description to your profile.

12 Detective Doggo

Dog lovers, rejoice! The Detective Doggo achievement is adorable and incredibly easy to get. All you have to do is visit 10 search results. The searching has to be done through Reddit, so stop using Google to search Reddit for just a minute if you want this achievement.

13 Person of Interests

This achievement earned a spot on this list because it has a pretty cool name and icon. It’s another straightforward achievement, as all you have to do is join five different Reddit communities to get it.

14 Elder

If “Congratulations, you are old” was a Reddit achievement, it’d be this one. Elder is awarded to anyone who’s been a member of a community for the past three years. You can click on the achievement to track progress across your subreddits.

15 Content Connoisseur

This achievement has a name that sounds like a tongue twister, but it describes perfectly the reason why it’s awarded. To get Content Connoisseur, you have to vote five times a day in the same community for a total of 30 days. Fortunately, the days don’t have to be consecutive.

16 Flag Planter

Flag Planter is a neat little achievement that is awarded to the early worm. You get it by being one of the first five commenters on new posts in the same community for a total of 10 days.

17 That’s Me

That’s Me is easy to get and just as easy to overlook, which is why it’s classified as “rare” despite only taking a few seconds to unlock. To get it, you have to set your user flair in any Reddit community. You can find user flairs by opening a subreddit and finding the option on the right side menu on the desktop or in the three dots menu on mobile.

18 Picasso

This silly achievement is somewhat harder to get than That’s Me, as it requires you to get 100 total upvotes on media posts and comments. In other words, post and comment using pictures and videos, and once you accumulate 100 upvotes across all of them, Reddit will hand you a Picasso.

19 Rising Star

The Rising Star is the perfect achievement to complement the awesome feeling you’ll experience upon unlocking it. You get it by receiving 1,000 upvotes during your first month in a new community.

20 Hometown Hero

Reddit knows where you live. Fortunately, instead of using that power for evil, Reddit simply hands you out the Hometown Hero achievement when you join a subreddit in your country.

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