The 8 Best Board Games for Holiday 2021

    Azul, Gloomhaven, and Space Park board games spread out on tables in a collage
    Plan B Games, Cephalofair Games, Keymaster Games

    We rounded up a nice variety of board game titles that everyone in your family. Whether you’re looking for family-friendly options or something more niche that focuses on a space adventure or a deep-sea mission, we think you’ll love these creative, fun, and immersive board games.

    Best for Quick Games: Space Park

    Space Park pieces and boards
    Keymaster Games


    • Quick matches
    • Colorful artwork
    • Easy to understand

    Board games can be beautiful, intricate masterpieces of design and gameplay that melt the mind and eat up a good chunk of your day. They’re great, but not what you want to bust out when playing with less experienced players, or when you just don’t have the spare time. Space Park differentiates itself, though, by offering fantastic gameplay and design and keeping games brisk (under 30 minutes) while supporting up to four players.

    Exploring the galaxy has never been so convenient, and each location you explore grants you “Explorer Points”—the player with the most by the end wins. With fantastic artwork and a premise that’s easy to grasp, this game makes sure you won’t have to spend forever explaining it while still getting a satisfying play session out of it.

    Best for Quick Games

    Space Park

    Explore the galaxy in this brisk, exploration-focused board game.

    Best for Families: Cubitos

    Cubitos board laid out
    Alderac Entertainment Group


    • Great for families
    • Fun balancing
    • Lots of strategy


    • Can take up a lot of space

    In this fairly recent hit, Cubitos has you partake in the Cube Cup—an annual race full of strategy and hijinks that is sure to be the center of attention for your next family game night. The fastest in the pack wins the game, and with plenty of items available to give yourself the edge, there are a lot of strategies to consider. But be careful—going too fast causes you to lose everything so even if it looks like there’s a clear winner, that could change with one misstep. With such a balanced system, it means it’s anyone’s game right until the very end.

    Best for Families


    With colorful artwork and an easy-to-grasp premise, this game is perfect for your next family game night.

    Best for Couples: Azul

    Azul board game box
    Plan B Games


    • Peaceful tone
    • Unique mechanics
    • Lots of room for problem-solving

    Azul works with up to four players, but if you’re looking for a relaxed board game that still has a competitive edge to play with your significant other, it definitely delivers. Instead of civilization-building epics or planet-scaling wars, Azul keeps things simple–you’re just decorating mosaics after all. But with points rewarded for proper tile placement, there’s a lot of puzzle-solving and planning that must be done to ensure victory.

    Best for Couples


    A peaceful game about decorating mosaics that still has a competitive edge.

    Best for One-on-Ones: 7 Wonders Duel

    7 Wonders Duel board game pieces
    Repos Production


    • Fairly compact
    • Great for 1v1’s
    • Strategic


    • Limited player count
    • Largely card-based

    If you’re only playing against one person and that player knows their stuff when it comes to board games, you want something to play where you both can stretch your strategic muscles. 7 Wonders Duel offers just that as a tweaked version of the popular 7 Wonders gameDuel sees you taking control over your chosen civilization and seeing it progress through the ages to victory. Wage war, advance technology, and most importantly, ensure the utter and magnificent defeat of your opponent.

    Best for One-on-Ones

    7 Wonders Duel

    Duke it out in one of the best 1v1 board games ever released.

    Best for RPG Fans: Gloomhaven

    Gloomhaven board game box
    Cephalofair Games


    • Long, intense matches
    • Role-playing encouraged
    • Cooperative
    • Detailed boards and pieces


    • Expensive
    • You need a dedicated group to complete it

    Are you ready for an adventure?

    Gloomhaven merges strategic board games and tabletop RPGs into one intense dungeon-crawling adventure. You and up to three other players all play a different adventurer—each with their own skills—and work together to clear out tombs, find loot, and progress the story. Matches are long (up to two hours in length), but the in-depth decisions you make keep things engrossing the entire way through. With so many options and roleplay being actively encouraged, this game is highly replayable—especially as you get new people to try it out.

    Best for RPG Fans


    Merge board games and tabletop RPGs fans together in this cooperative, dungeon-crawling tale.

    Best Fast-Paced Co-op: 60 Second City

    60 Second City board and pieces
    Buffalo Games


    • Compact
    • Cooperative
    • Quick decision making

    Competitive games are great and all, but working together is also fun and 60 Second City allows you to do that with infrastructure. Turns are quick, and both players will have to make the right choice for the city to prevent the corrupting pollution from taking over. Complete the necessary goals to protect the city and build the perfect metropolis, all in less than 30 minutes per match.

    Best Card Game: The Crew – Mission Deep Sea

    The Crew - Mission Deep Sea cards laid out
    Thames & Kosmos


    • Cool story
    • Not a lot of setup required
    • Cooperative play with up to five players


    • Fans of traditional board games might be disappointed

    You don’t need fancy pieces or extravagant boards to have a good time; cards are enough to tell grand tales and provide excellent gameplay. 2019’s The Crew – The Quest for Planet Nine was a great example of this, and now the series is back. The new follow-up game, The Crew – Mission Deep Sea, takes you and up to four other players on an aquatic, co-op adventure where you progress the narrative, make strategic choices together and conquer the increasingly difficult challenges. Working together is key here, and one false move can put the entire team at risk.

    Best for Long Games: The Ancient World

    The Ancient City board and pieces laid out
    Red Raven Games


    • Lots of strategy
    • Long matches
    • Beautiful artwork


    • Not great for less experienced players

    Want an expansive, long-winded game that gives you something to show for it? The Ancient World sees you and up to three other players building expansive, fantastical civilizations to defend yourselves from other players and the invading Titans. In it, you can manage resources, enjoy the gorgeous artwork, and build a narrative for your kingdom as you fight these massive beasts. Matches take, at minimum, one hour to play through, but you can expect that to increase drastically if you have a game full of players who really know what they’re doing.

    Settle in for the long haul, and see who’s best fit to rid the world of these massive terrifying monsters once and for all.

    Best for Long Games

    The Ancient World

    Build a fantastical civilization and defeat titans in this advanced strategy game.

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