The Best Utility Knife for 2024

Our pick

The 48-22-1502 Fastback can be quickly opened and closed with one hand, and it provides a secure grip and a spot to store five extra blades.

The advantages of the Milwaukee 48-22-1502 Fastback Utility Knife with Blade Storage come down to ergonomics and safety. Its unique contoured handle and deep finger notch make for a grip that is both comfortable and secure. Unlike the other knives we looked at, the Fastback can be easily (and quickly) opened and closed with one hand, and it locks in both positions. Changing blades is very simple, and a sturdy belt hook helps make the Fastback portable. And despite this knife’s thin profile, five additional blades can be stored in the handle.


This less expensive version of our pick has the same one-handed action, but it lacks the blade storage.

If the Milwaukee 48-22-1502 Fastback is not available, our next choice is the Milwaukee 48-22-1501 Fastback Folding Utility Knife. This knife shares many of the characteristics of our pick—the same shape, the comfortable and secure grip area, the sturdy belt hook, and the fast, one-handed open/close. The only difference is that there is no additional blade storage. Forgoing this feature typically saves you less than $5, so we’d rather pay for our pick’s added convenience and capability.

Also great

This pack may amount to being a lifetime supply of razor blades, at a price much cheaper than smaller packs. Bonus: You get a nice little case with them.

Utility blades are disposable and not very durable. Forcing a dull blade is dangerous and the resulting cuts is more likely to be ragged or crooked. You can solve this problem by using the Stanley Heavy-Duty Utility Blades (100-pack), a healthy supply that should last most people years. The 100-pack, which typically runs between $10 and $15, also comes with a nice little case that stores the blades safely and allows you to slide one blade out at a time. This may seem like a lot of blades, but it doesn’t make economic sense to get smaller packs, since they can go for as much as $3 for five blades.

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