The Elder Scrolls Castles

Build and manage your castle, build a dynasty, rule your kingdom. All this and more in The Elder Scrolls Castle.

Are you going to be a ruler of note? Will your subjects be happy and prosperous? All this and more will be up to you. The decisions you make as ruler of The Elder Scrolls Castles will determine your outcome.

Train your subjects and maintain order in your castle. Expand and decorate it and assign workers to different workstations to keep everything running smoothly in your kingdom.

Gameplay Image Gameplay Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Trade with neighboring kingdoms, participate in Epic quests, all this and more in The Elder Scrolls Castles. Every day you play is a year of your subjects’ lives. Watch over them and help them to prosper.

After downloading and launching The Elder Scrolls Castles from the Play Store, you enter the game with Odar as the King. It seems like he does not have the best interests of his subjects in mind. Therefore, the subjects are not happy with him as ruler. Cassius the Elder will lead you through the steps to progress in The Elder Scrolls Castles.

King Odar must decide on important state affairs.

Tap on the Two cards highlighted in the middle of your screen. There is a message on the popup screen on the left-hand side of the screen. Tap on this message to see what needs to be done next. Tap on the popup screen on the right-hand side of the screen, then tap on the rule tab on the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

The Elder Scrolls Castles Assassination ImageThe Elder Scrolls Castles Assassination Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

King Odar is killed by unknown assassins and now a new ruler must be chosen by you.

Choosing a new Ruler

There are now a few choices for who must rule the kingdom. These decisions will determine the direction of your gameplay in The Elder Scrolls Castles.

Your choices are:

  • Jafarr – Heir – Expected to be a harsh but efficient ruler.
  • Ysabel of Camlorn – Odar’s widow – Expected to bend the castle to her will, for better or worse.
  • Alassi – The Lover – Daughter of Mazar. Sure to provoke some strong reactions from her subjects.
  • Rahim al-Elinhir – The Champion. Expected to provide strong leadership in difficult times.

Tap on the character you wish to have rule the kingdom. For the purpose of this article, The Elder Scrolls Castles, we have chosen Ysabel of Camlorn – Odar’s widow. After choosing the character you wish to use as the new ruler, tap on the Crown tab.

After Ysabel reaches the throne room you must tap on the two cards on the screen. Follow the story by tapping on the card in the popup screen. Choose one of the options on the next popup screen then tap Rule.

Decisions ImageDecisions Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Basics of Building and running the castle


Start by making more rooms in the castle. Tap on the build Icon displayed as a hammer and brick on the bottom left-hand side, then tap on the highlighted area next to the throne room. The first rooms are free. Continue by tapping on the next highlighted area till the wall icon appears.

This will allow you to build a wall to separate the rooms. Tap on the highlighted area to set the wall in place. You can add a larger area to the room by tapping on the square again. Tap on the highlighted wall icon to create a new room floor. Tap on the highlighted area to set the floor in place.

You need to add the stairs to get to the top floor you have just built. Note that you will require resources to continue building. Tap on the stairs Icon, then on the highlighted stairs to lock into position. Tap on the build icon and the stairs will be positioned.

Building RoomsBuilding Rooms
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Adding Workstations

Build a Kitchen next. Tap on the Build Icon, drag the kitchen’s mini card into position, then tap on the Build tab on the popup screen. This will cost resources, in this case, 3 wood.

The next item required is an Oil Press. Hold and drag the Oil Press mini card into place. The Oil Press will be highlighted in green when correctly placed.

These are the first of many more workstations that will become available as you progress through The Elder Scrolls Castles.

Oil Press Image Oil Press Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Assign Subjects

To assign a subject to the kitchen, tap on the worker, then hold and drag him there. Watch your food meter on the top of your screen. This is a progress bar marked with a wheat icon. If it falls below the threshold your subjects will begin to starve.

When food is available a shaft of wheat will appear in the kitchen. Tap on this to add it to your storage in The Elder Scrolls Castles. Tapping on the kitchen will open the mini card.

You can choose the option to watch an advert to speed up your production. Simply tap on the Rush Tab.

Drag Subject ImageDrag Subject Image

Assign a subject to the Oil Press. When the subject is over the workstation you wish to assign hip to that workstation will be highlighted. Leave the subject there to continue working. Collect the oil drop when it is available. Oil is used to light up your castle. If the oil runs out the castle will go dark, and your subjects stop working.

Another way to assign subjects to your workstations is to simply tap on the workstation. The mini card will open, then tap on one of the open subject slots on the right-hand side of the card. Available subjects will then be displayed at the bottom of your screen. Tap on one and then assign him to his workstation.

Assign workerAssign worker
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC


Tap on the Scroll Icon on the bottom of the screen, for a list of tasks that must be completed. The task report will open the tasks you must fulfill in The Elder Scrolls Castles. As you fulfill these tasks you will get rewards. You can tap on the potion to speed up your workers.

Be sure to keep checking your tasks on this scroll to progress as fast as possible. Daily, Weekly, and Royal tasks are all on the Castle Report. Remember to collect your rewards for each task completed.

Castle Report ImageCastle Report Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Upgrading Workstations

Tap on the Kitchen, then tap on the upgrade arrow on your Kitchen mini card. Now tap on the upgrade tab. Take note that these steps will require resources. Remember to check your Castle Report for any outstanding tasks. You will also receive your rewards for completed tasks here. You can now repeat the process on the Oil Press.

Upgrade Arrow ImageUpgrade Arrow Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

As you level up more of The Elder Scrolls Castles workstations will become available.

Rulership Decisions

Tap on the cards in the throne room whenever you see them. These are choices the ruler must make to keep the kingdom running smoothly in The Elder Scrolls Castles.

Choose the option that you wish the ruler to make. The first card that Ysabel received was a coronation gift. The next one was a decision she had to make. These choices will determine the direction that the kingdom is going to take. Make the choice, then tap on Rule.

As you progress in the game you will level up and receive rewards. Watch the happiness meter at the bottom of your screen. This will help you to keep your subjects happy with the decisions you make.

Happiness Meter ImageHappiness Meter Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Welcome Newcomers

Check out the newcomers to The Elder Scrolls Castles. Tap on the newcomer to see if they are carrying tools with them. These will give you an indication of where best to utilize them. The first newcomer has a chisel.

This will be good to use in the mill. Drag the newcomer to the mill to put them to work. Other types of tools and outfits have similar effects on different workstations.

Tap on the newcomer to see their abilities. A mini card will pop up, with their information. This will help you to decide where to assign them.

Newcomer ImageNewcomer Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC


On reaching Dynasty level 5, trading will become available. Your ruler will need to decide if she wants to trade with the neighbors. Make the choice and then tap on the Rule Tab.

Take note of the resources you are trading. You must have enough of the required resources to be able to trade in The Elder Scrolls Castles.

Trading ImageTrading Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC


Oh dear! Ysabel was just murdered by one of her disgruntled subjects.

Ysabel of Camlorn ImageYsabel of Camlorn Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Now you will need to choose a new ruler. Look at the traits of the potential successors to determine the future of your kingdom.

Traits Image Traits Image
Photo: Bethesda Softworks LLC

Long Live the new King!


In The Elder Scrolls Castles, there are endless possibilities to develop your castle into a magnificent dynasty. Fill it with workstations and decorate it to your liking. Help your subjects to fully develop from birth and all through their life’s journey.

Change your character’s clothing and equip them with tools or weapons. Be ready to fill orders, trade with your neighbors as well as participate in Epic Quests. All of this and more will become possible as you progress.

For additional articles that you may enjoy feel free to check these out: Savage Survival Beginners Game Guide, Zenless Zone Zero – Beginners Game Guide, and Tarisland Beginners Game Guide.

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