The Legend of Tartar Skills Tier List (June 2024)

Legend of Tartar Skills Tier List (June 2024)

Skill Tiers Skills
S-Tier Dmg Reduction
A-Tier Judgment
B-Tier Barrier
C-Tier Fire Ball
Water Bomb

Below are all the skills featured in our Legend of Tartar Skills Tier List, their parameters, and what are the recommended options for each skill to maximize their potential in combat.

S-Tier Skills

Dmg Reduction

Getting Dmg Reduction is essential once you climb to the later stages of the game, as enemies will take you out in a few hits without it. Beginners will do just fine without them, but you cannot survive

Recommended Options: Wing

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Water

Base Cooltime: 8s


Just like Dmg Reduction, Invincibility increases your chances of clearing ridiculously tough stages in the late-game by letting you tank hits you would’ve otherwise died to.

Recommended Options: Leather, Feather

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Physical

Base Cooltime: 20s


Unlike the two other skills in this tier, Burst is more suited to boosting your DPS significantly rather than your survivability by raising your Attack speed. This skill becomes especially deadly if you manage to get the Fire Power, Water Power, Wind Power, or Physical Power Unique Skills to boost your basic attack.

Recommended Options: Eyeball, Fishbone

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Physical

Base Cooltime: 10s

A-Tier Skills


Despite being a single-target skill, Judgment is currently one of the best skills you can acquire due to how fantastic it performs with Physical Unique Skills.

A Physical build is also among the best builds (if not the best) in the later stages of the game due to the Fixed Damage option (Coffee Bean), so we recommend picking it up whenever you can.

Recommended Options: Coffee Bean

Manual Use: No

Element: Physical

Base Cooltime: 3.5s


Wave is a fantastic AoE skill that targets all enemies in a line, not to mention it also sends out multiple waves at higher star levels, making it a perfect skill to pick up against enemies that only take 1 damage per attack.

Recommended Options: Tail, Mushroom

Manual Use: No

Element: Water

Base Cooltime: 5.5s


It has a limited range compared to Wave, but Storm is still a pretty amazing skill to invest in considering it deals more damage than Wave and has the Instant Death (Fang) option, which comes in handy once you get to higher stages.

Recommended Options: Fang

Manual Use: No

Element: Wind

Base Cooltime: 6s


Lightning is your go-to AoE skill if you’re planning to go with a Physical build, but is still a very solid pick-up regardless because of its Instant Death (Fang) and Fixed Damage (Coffee Bean) options.

Recommended Options: Coffee Bean, Fang

Manual Use: No

Element: Physical

Base Cooltime: 4.5s


Flame has the highest base damage potential out of all the four AoE skills in the game (except Lightning if there’s only one enemy target), but it has the least range out of all of them.

Nevertheless, getting it is a must if you’re going for a Fire Build, and especially so if you manage to pick up Flame Unique Skills at any point during the battle.

Recommended Options: Tail, Hot Pepper

Manual Use: No

Element: Fire

Base Cooltime: 5s


Vampire might not be all that appealing for beginners in the early game, but getting it for harder stages later on as a substitute for Heal is recommended as soon as you have enough DPS to take advantage of it.

Recommended Options: Lotus Root, Feather

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Fire

Base Cooltime: 10s


Heal is a fantastic pick-up for players struggling with their survivability even with skills like Dmg Reduction, Invincibility, Barrier, or Vampire already applied.

It’s also been speculated that it has a good DPS output if you invest in the Cheese option, but if you just want pure sustain, just go with the options recommended below.

Recommended Options: Ginseng, Feather

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Wind

Base Cooltime: 10s

B-Tier Skills


Barrier might not be as good of a defensive skill as Invincibility or Dmg Reduction, but it will still provide you with decent protection at higher star levels.

It’s particularly useful in stages where enemies have low attack speed or lack any multi-hit attacks.

Recommended Options: Acorn

Manual Use: No

Element: Water

Base Cooltime: 15s


Amplification is a buff-type skill that increases the damage of all your skills. It’s an excellent addition to your skill kit no matter your build as long as you don’t invest too much in it during the early stages of any battle.

Recommended Options: Heart, Claw

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Fire

Base Cooltime: 10s


Vitality is also an excellent addition if you have skills like Heal or Vampire and you want to improve their effects further.

Recommended Options: Leaf, Feather

Manual Use: Yes

Element: Wind

Base Cooltime: 10s

C-Tier Skills

Fire Ball

Fire Ball is the go-to single-target skill for a Fire Build, but it shouldn’t be a priority while picking out skills at least in the early stages of a battle unless you manage to get a Fire-boosting Unique Skill right away and there are no better options.

Recommended Options: Tail, Hot Pepper

Manual Use: No

Element: Fire

Base Cooltime: 2s

Water Bomb

Water Bomb is the go-to single-target skill for a Water Build, but it shouldn’t be a priority while picking out skills at least in the early stages of a battle unless you manage to get a Water-boosting Unique Skill right away and there are no better options.

Recommended Options: Tail, Mushroom

Manual Use: No

Element: Water

Base Cooltime: 2.5s


Whirlwind is the go-to single-target skill for a Wind Build, but it shouldn’t be a priority while picking out skills at least in the early stages of a battle unless you manage to get a Wind-boosting Unique Skill right away and there are no better options.

Recommended Options: Tail, Onion

Manual Use: No

Element: Wind

Base Cooltime: 3s

Best Unique Skills

Now that you’ve seen our Legend of Tartar Skills Tier List and the best skills to invest in, how about Unique Skills?

Unique Skills are special skills that appear randomly during battle and cannot be upgraded. When it comes to Unique Skills, we highly recommend choosing the ones that fit the build you’re going for:

Build Types Recommended Unique Skills
Fire Build Ignition
Fire Wall
Fire Power
Fire Cooltime
Fire Master
Water Build Freezing
Water Power
Water Cooltime
Water Master
Wind Build Wind Cutter
Heavy Rain
Wind Power
Wind Cooltime
Wind Master
Physical Build Punishment
Physical Power
Physical Cooltime
Physical Master

TIP: Once you get closer and closer to the endgame, you’ll find that your basic attack will make up more and more of your overall damage. Hence, we recommend picking up Fire Power, Wind Power, Water Power, and Physical Power whenever you can.


That’s it for our The Legend of Tartar Skills Tier List! Now that you know which skills to invest in during battle, how about learning the Best Artifacts in The Legend of Tartar to further optimize your combat efficiency?

If you love The Legend of Tartar and would like to play more fantastic idle adventure games just like it, check out our list of the Best Idle Clicker Games for Android!

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