The Lofi Girl livestream is a cultural touchstone. It offers a never-ending supply of relaxing music with a simple animated image of a girl studying by her window. But the Lofi Girl has disappeared from her YouTube livestream, and in her place is a teaser for a mysterious website.
Fans of Lofi Girl are going absolutely bananas. On April 7th, the Lofi Girl Twitter account shared an ominous video of a blue light blinking in an apartment. After Twitter users realized that the blinking light was Morse code, Lofi Girl spilled the beans—a website called is about to launch!
Later, on the morning of April 10th, the Lofi Girl pressed the launch button on her website. She quickly disappeared from her livestream. It seems that the website did not immediately launch, as a second livestream (of a countdown clock in a blue room) is now live on the Lofi Girl YouTube channel (and isn’t working yet).
It seems that will actually go live on April 11th. Details are slim, though a press release explains that Lofi Girl is “set to take the channel’s immersive experience to new heights, providing an even more captivating experience for their dedicated community.”
Lofi Girl is part of Lofi Records, a music label that is steadily growing thanks to merchandising campaigns and collaborations. The website could be anything—a new webstore, a forum, a dedicated streaming service, or even an NFT. We’ll just have to wait and see. (For what it’s worth, the official Lofi Records website is currently under maintenance.)