The Pixel Satellite SOS Feature Will Cost Money After 2 Years

Satellite connectivity is a relatively new feature in smartphones and it is one that flagship manufacturers are rushing to include in their smartphones. However, for the most part, it is a feature that has yet to reach full deployment in the United States. It’s mostly Chinese manufacturers and consumers taking advantage of it.

However, besides Apple, Google has been working on its satellite feature and it is expected to be launched in full with Android 15. Thanks to an APK teardown done by the folks over at Android Authority, we know that you should expect to pay for this feature at some point.

Just Like Apple, Google Will Give You Free Access To Pixel Satellite SOS, But Only For Two Years

The Pixel Satellite SOS Feature Will Cost Money After 2 Years 4The Pixel Satellite SOS Feature Will Cost Money After 2 Years 4
Image: OnLeaks x 91Mobiles

Imagine you’re taking a hike or exploring the North Pole or doing something incredibly adventurous; have your pick. The environments that these activities are done in tend to be very far away from cell towers, which basically means you’re off the grid in terms of cellular activity. Of course, in most cases, this might not be a problem — after all, you’ve gone hiking on that arduous trail hundreds of times before, right?

The thing is, if there’s one time out of a thousand where you get hurt or something bad happens, you won’t be able to easily get help, especially if you are traveling solo. This is where the Satellite SOS feature coming with Android 15 and the Google Pixel 9 series comes in, and thanks to Android Authority’s APK teardown, we know some new and important details regarding it.

First off, it seems the official name will be “Pixel Satellite SOS”. You will be able to contact emergency services directly via satellite which allows you to get help as long as you have a clear view of the sky. Your name, phone number, location, emergency contacts, and device details (including battery percentage) will be shared with emergency services. Google Messages will also need to be your default SMS app for this to work.

Most notably, this feature will be free, but only for some time. Apparently, that’s merely two years, though in the actual string, the number is written in curly brackets, so there’s a possibility that might be changed at some point. However, two years matches Apple’s offer, so that might be it. It’s essential that you know that you’re eventually going to have to pay for the feature, especially if you feel it’s something you’ll need.

The Google Pixel 9 Series Is Expected With This Feature, But What About Older Pixels?

The Pixel Satellite SOS Feature Will Cost Money After 2 Years 6The Pixel Satellite SOS Feature Will Cost Money After 2 Years 6
Image: Google

We know that this feature is Android 15-specific and it seems like the Pixel 9 series is going to come with this feature ready to go straight out of the box. However, it might also get the feature through a Feature Drop later on.

However, can you expect to get this satellite connectivity with an older Pixel? The answer is very likely “no”. This kind of connectivity requires hardware specific to it, so if it wasn’t built into the phone when it was rolling off the manufacturing line, you’re not going to be able to use it.

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