The Xbox Series X just keeps falling in price

The very best Microsoft console experience you can buy is still the Xbox Series X and there’s already been a ton of offers on it as we head into Black Friday. This one is the best yet.

The Series X is yet to get a snazzy refresh like the new slimmer PS5, meaning this is still the latest and greatest Microsoft console offering you can buy. Thankfully, the purchase is currently even sweeter with the Xbox Series X reduced again, down £40 to £359.99.

The Xbox Series X is now £40 off for Black Friday, down to £359.99

The Xbox Series X is now £40 off for Black Friday, down to £359.99

Microsoft’s most powerful console has been reduced again, coming in at under £360 on Amazon.

  • Amazon
  • Save £40
  • Now £359.99

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The price of the Xbox Series X has been steadily reducing as we get closer and closer to Black Friday. Last week, there was a big deal over on EE that brought the price down to £379, which is already an impressive price. And, Amazon has swooped in to usurp it.

We’re always making sure you’re getting a true saving on the deals we recommend and we’re judging this price cut on the Series X price on Amazon throughout most of November, when it sat at over £400. But, the discount can be seen as even more substantial if you look further back. The Amazon price has also been up at £459.99 over the last couple of months.

Is the Xbox Series X worth buying?

Our review of the Xbox Series X two years after release


  • Sleek and premium design
  • Xbox Game Pass offers a stunning level of value
  • Quick Resume is a game changer
  • SSD makes games and applications faster than ever


  • User interface and overall design is very familiar
  • Not as many high-quality exclusives as PS5 and Switch

Microsoft’s mission with the latest Xbox generation has been a focus on growing Game Pass subscription service, but that hasn’t stopped it from creating a quality piece of hardware kit in its own right too. It offers a high-end console experience, with stunning 4K visuals. That’s backed up by SSD performance that makes loading a breeze and enables the Quick Resume feature that lets you dodge between playing different games. The device itself has a boxy new look which oozes much more style than Xbox models that have gone before. Then, there is that all-important Game Pass that offers a wide range of games to delve into for a monthly fee.

If you want to find out more, make sure you take a look at our comprehensive Xbox Series X review

Looking for a different deal?

Still torn between the idea of buying a new Xbox or PlayStation? Well, it isn’t down to the same price, but the PS5 Disc Edition is reduced too. It’ll now cost you £379. For more great deals, take a look at our Best Black Friday Deals page.

Our favourite Black Friday deals:

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