Dell just launched its new XPS 15 and XPS 17. While those PCs may feature the latest internals from Intel and NVIDIA, you may not need a model from this year. Last year’s Dell XPS 15 and XPS 17 are still some of the best Windows laptops you can buy, and because they have successors with newer specs, you can pick up older models at a discount through Dell.
Deals on the one-year-old XPS 15 and XPS 17 aren’t as dramatic as those available for last year’s XPS Desktop, but they’re still good bargains.
Arguably the best XPS 15 deal is on the model with an Intel Core i7-12700H, RTX 3050 for $1,249. That price comes thanks to a $400 discount plus a further $150 off when you use the code SAVE150 at checkout.
While the RTX 3050 is from NVIDIA’s RTX 30-Series GPU lineup, it’s the least powerful graphics card in that family. It’s still powerful enough for professional workloads and some of the best PC games, but make sure it has enough power for your specific needs before ordering.
When it comes to the XPS 17, there aren’t as many discounts available, but there is one deal that sticks out. You can pick up the XPS 17 with an Intel Core i9-12900HK and an RTX 3060 for $2,899. That model also has 32GB of memory and 1TB of storage.