Dell just announced an XPS 13 powered by an Intel Core Ultra Series 2 processor. While that version of the XPS 13 features the latest and greatest from Intel in terms of internals, it is not necessarily the best bargain. Dell has a few discounts right now on XPS 13 laptops that are the better choice for those on a budget or those who prefer an Arm processor. Whether you need an Intel chip or a Qualcomm processor in your PC, Dell has options on sale. Right now, Snapdragon X Elite-powered models of the XPS 13 start at $999.99, which is a $300 discount. Intel Core Ultra Series 1 models have a higher starting cost of $1,149.99, which is $250 off.
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XPS 13 design
I’ve covered the XPS 13 for ages and followed its development from an awkward PC with a camera below the screen to a stunning modern PC. The current design of the XPS 13 features a zero-lattice keyboard, a haptic trackpad, and a row of capacitive function keys. It also has an edge-to-edge display. The newer XPS 13 with an Intel Core Ultra Series 2 chip is the first laptop on the market with a tandem display. That screen option is only available on the newest model, but both XPS 13 laptops linked above have gorgeous panels.
If you love the design of the XPS 13 and saving some cash, the main decision is if you should get the XPS 13 with a Snapdragon X Elite or pick a model with an Intel Core Ultra processor. Luckily for you, we have an entire piece comparing the XPS 13 with a Snapdragon X Elite vs the XPS 13 with an Intel Core Ultra.
The long-in-short is that if you need the performance and efficiency of an ARM processor, know your apps can run on ARM, and don’t need Thunderbolt 4, the Snapdragon X Elite version of the XPS 13 is an excellent choice. The Intel-based XPS 13 has better app compatibility without requiring emulation and supports Thunderbolt 4.