This AI-generated pizza commercial is delicious and cheesy nightmare fuel

What you need to know

  • Multiple forms of artificial intelligence were used to create a pizza commercial.
  • GPT-4, Midjourney, and other AI programs were used to create the ad.
  • The horrifying ad includes a woman eating a plate, warped mouths, and cringy dialog.

What do you get when you combine several programs powered by artificial intelligence? A pizza commercial of course. Reddit user PizzaLater used GPT-4 to write a script, Midjourney to generate images, and Runway Gen2 to form video clips of an ad for an imaginary restaurant called Pepperoni Hug Spot.

While the commercial has the ingredients of a normal advertisement, it didn’t quite make it through the uncanny valley. At one point a woman eats a plate rather than the pizza sitting on top of it. The commercial closes with a family sitting around a double-decker pizza with no toppings on it.

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