This Modder Stuck a Wii Into a GameBoy Advance SP – Review Geek

    A photo of the Wii SPii playing 'Mario Galaxy 2'

    Despite the Wii’s incredible legacy, there is no legitimate way to play its classic games on modern hardware. There are several ways to work around this hurdle, but some techniques are more ambitious than others. StonedEdge’s homemade Wii SPii is, to say the least, extremely ambitious.

    As its name implies, the Wii SPii is a portable Wii with the clamshell design of a GameBoy Advance SP. StonedEdge began work on the custom console 10 months ago, tracking the development process on the BitBuilt forum. Every piece of the Wii Spii is custom-made, from the circuitry to the plastic shell, and its thoughtful button layout (with four pressure sensitive shoulder buttons) accommodates games from the Wii, the Gamecube, and the N64.

    The Wii SPii contains an all-in-one PCB and runs on BBLoader, a software developed by the BitBuilt community for Wii portables. It loads games from an SD card and charges via USB-C. It also sports a 3.5-inch VGA panel, a marked improvement from the GameBoy Advance SP’s 2.9-inch screen.

    StonedEdge isn’t selling Wii SPii consoles, but you can see the modder’s worklog and finished build log on the BitBuilt forums. You can also follow StonedEdge on YouTube to keep up with future projects.

    Source: StonedEdge via Input

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