This Raspberry Pi Powered Clock Shows Weather and Time – Review Geek

    Eli's WeatherClock on table in bright room
    The Digital Variant

    Ever wanted to see the upcoming hourly forecast without having to open your smartphone or a website? We’ve got good news: this clever Raspberry Pi “WeatherClock” can do just that, displaying what the weather will be for each hour of the day!

    The WeatherClock’s analog dial displays a visual representation of the expected weather for that hour where the numeral would normally be. So, you’ll see clouds if it’ll be cloudy, clouds with water drops for rain, and so on. Want to see more information? Press on any hour position on the touchscreen display to view additional meteorological information like wind speeds, temperature, or a chance of rain.

    The unique clock was first discovered on The Digital Variant‘s YouTube channel. Apparently, their friend Eli is the one who came up with the concept. The maker loved the idea of being able to quickly check the weather before leaving home so much they officially named the clock “Eli’s WeatherClock.” 

    Overall, the clock is a simple build that relies on the openWeatherMap API for its localized weather forecasts. It is powered by Raspberry Pi Zero W with a Pimoroni HyperPixel 4.0 Square Hi-Res Touch Display for the interface. The final result? A slim clock that can fit in your pocket or, more realistically, a bag if you want to take it with you when you travel.

    Want to make this clever clock for yourself? The maker kindly added everything you’ll need on their GitHub page, so hop over and take a look. 

    Source: Raspberry Pi

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