After rumors surfaced in May about TikTok jumping into the job recruitment market, the platform has officially launched a pilot program in the US. The new TikTok resumes arrive in partnership with over 30 companies like Target, Shopify, Nascar, Abercrombie, Vaynermedia, The Detriot Pistons, Alo, and more. And open jobs include everything from entry-level to executive positions.
The new TikTok resumes landing page launched today (via Engadget). The service lets users view open jobs from 34 companies involved in the US pilot program, walks through some tips on recording/posting a TikTok resume and submitting it.
For the initial test of the service, TikTok resumes need to be submitted by July 31 with users leaving them up on the platform for at least a month.
There a lot of job openings from a range of companies and industries through the program and some of them are even looking for new executives through TikTok resumes.
Check out all the job listings here and the 34 participating companies here. TikTok also shared a FAQ page to help with using the new feature.
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