Tim Cook says DOJ antitrust lawsuit against Apple is ‘misguided’

Apple on Thursday announced its earnings for the second fiscal quarter of 2024, slightly beating expectations with $90.75 billion in revenue. During an interview, Cook also took a moment to talk about the US Department of Justice’s (DOJ) antitrust lawsuit against Apple, calling it “misguided.”

Apple stands its ground against DOJ antitrust lawsuit

Apple’s CEO told CNBC (via The Verge) that the case is “misguided” and confirmed that the company will fight it. Cook also mentioned in the interview that he doesn’t want the antitrust lawsuit to become a “distraction” for Apple.

“I think the case is misguided, and we’re going to fight it. It’s my job to make sure it doesn’t become a distraction. And so, you know, if you look at what they’re trying to do, is essentially use the law to define how we design products. And that shouldn’t be like that,” Cook said on Thursday.

For those unfamiliar, the DOJ officially filed a lawsuit against Apple in March after investigating the company for years.

The DOJ believes that Apple has engaged in anticompetitive conduct by making it difficult for its users to switch to other platforms, restricting iPhone technologies to its own apps and services, keeping iMessage exclusive to Apple devices, limiting third-party digital wallets, and restricting Apple Watch compatibility.

Apple responded by saying that the lawsuit “threatens who we are” and hurts the company’s principles. Apple also claims that the lawsuit sets a “dangerous precedent” by allowing governments to determine how technology is designed.

In Europe, Apple has already been forced to open up iOS to sideloading and change some of the App Store rules due to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust law. Something similar may happen in the future in the US if the DOJ wins.

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