What Makes ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver Tick?

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What Makes ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ Roger Ver Tick?

Bitcoin “evangelist” Roger Ver has said in at least one interview … when he was a little boy, he wanted to be a garbage truck driver. That way, he  could drive heavy machinery around his neighborhood and get to talk to everyone. Fast forward to, to the recent past and Roger Ver actually DOES, talk to a LOT of folks…Just not  while collecting their trash. He was instead promoting Bitcoin as the future of money and finance so much so that people started calling him “Bitcoin Jesus.” According to his website, he’s one of the early investors in several BTC projects –  including Kraken, purse.io, Blockchain.com, and Ripple. 

But in 2017, Ver switched his enthusiasm away from Bitcoin and more toward something called Bitcoin Cash – an offshoot of the original currency. Recently, Ver became entangled in the bankruptcy of crypto lender Genesis that says BTC Jesus owes millions of dollars on trades. So, what happens when Bitcoin Jesus speaks? Do people say ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘deliver us from evil.’

Bloomberg Reporter Olga Kharif joins host Vildana Hajric to discuss.

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Feb 21, 2023

Bloomberg Podcasts

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