WhatsApp has announced four improvements to the app, including making it faster and easier for you to react to messages with your most-used emoji.
Parent company Meta says it wanted to start the new year by making the app more fun and easier to use, with a set of four enhancements …
Meta announced the new features in a news post.
- Camera effects: Now, when you take and send a video or photo in your chats, you can choose from 30 backgrounds, filters and effects to transform your shots.
- Selfie stickers: You can now turn your selfies into stickers. To get started, tap the create sticker icon and you’ll see the camera option to take a selfie and create your sticker. This feature is available on Android now and coming to iOS soon.
- Share a sticker pack: Spotted a sticker pack you know a friend will love? Now you can share them directly in your chats.
- Quicker reactions: You’ll now be able to double tap a message to react and quickly scroll through your most-used reactions.
If you don’t want one of your usual reactions, you can still tap the plus symbol to access the full range of emoji.
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