Following the arrival of PiP video call support in February, WhatsApp is starting to roll out a new “Voice Status” feature for iOS. As the name conveys, the capability lets users post status updates via voice.
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To use it (or see if it’s showing up for you yet), head to the Status tab > choose the “pencil” icon > and hold the microphone icon to record. Whether you have accessibility needs or just prefer to use voice when possible, it’s a valuable update.
So check back soon if you don’t see them appear on your device now. You may also want to make sure your iPhone is running the latest WhatsApp release.
WhatsApp is still listing the PiP feature for video calls as new in the latest release notes even though it arrived for the first users in February. However, it clarifies that both PiP and the new Voice Status “will roll out over the coming weeks.”
In other WhatsApp news, the service is currently working on an edit message feature and an expiring groups feature, and recently launched the ability to make your own stickers from photos.