Whatsapp’s New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down

When it comes to applications with development teams that rarely rest, WhatsApp is likely somewhere high up on the list. The application is the most popular instant messaging app in the world and it is constantly being improved with new features and changes to make life easier for its users.

I’m a big WhatsApp user; it’s the messaging app I use the most, and the newest change now moves the navigation bar (with the Chats, Status, and Calls tabs) from near the top of the application to the very bottom, and this works out quite nicely.

WhatsApp Updates Its Interface And Moves The Navbar To The Bottom

Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 5Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 5
Image: WhatsApp

WhatsApp used to focus on chats alone, and back then, as far as I remember, there was no need for a navigation bar. However, once the app incorporated audio and video calls as well as status updates (and communities as the latest addition, though I don’t use them), a navigation bar was introduced just above the chat list to switch between these.

However, when using your phone one-handed, it can be pretty hard to reach for things at the top of the screen. Likely because of that consideration, a new WhatsApp update is rolling out to bring the navigation bar to the bottom of the screen. Below is how the navigation bar used to look:

Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 6Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 6
Image: WhatsApp

Here, it’s a lot easier to reach for and the UI looks a tad cleaner because it blends in with the color of your chat list (white for regular, and a gray tone for dark-mode patriots such as myself). It also adds little icons for each of the tabs at the bottom, which should make it a little easier to identify the tabs at a glance.

Beta users might have been enjoying this new update for some time now but for folks on regular WhatsApp worldwide, it is finally rolling out, and hopefully, everyone should get it in due time.

What Else Can We Expect To Come To WhatsApp Soon?

Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 7Whatsapp's New UI Is Rolling Out; Moves The Navigation Bar Down 7
Image: TheSpAndroid

You might have thought I was exaggerating when I said WhatsApp developers are constantly adding new features, but it is true. There’s always something cool in the works at all times, so here are some of the new features we’re expecting to see show up (or that have already shown up) on WhatsApp in the next few months:

  • If you’re tired of needing to manually enable HD media uploads for each picture or video you send, WhatsApp will soon have a setting for default media upload quality.
  • If you watch Instagram Reels or TikTok quite often, you’ll know they have convenient ways to fast-forward through videos (by holding down on the right or left edge of the screen). WhatsApp is going to get something similar, but you’ll be able to rewind and fast-forward.
  • It looks like a Favorites section for the Calls tab is in the works, so you can speed-dial your most beloved people with a few taps. The calling screen also looks set to get a revised interface.
  • The status updates screen is also set to get an overhaul, and this has already been seen in the beta version of WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp is also set to get a feature called Group Events, which should make it easier for you to schedule and set up meetings, events, and group calls for everyone in a WhatsApp group at once.

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