Who Invented the Internet?

It is almost impossible to think how we would live today without the Internet. This magical thing has been one of the most revolutionary inventions of the last century. There are a lot of essay examples explaining how profoundly this technology has affected the development of society. A question you have surely asked yourself at some point is: Who invented the Internet? You first need to know that a single person did not invent it. But on the contrary, several people created and developed it over the years. Read on to find out all the details.

The Beginning

During the 1930s, a Belgian-born computer scientist named Paul Otlet (a great thinker and visionary), imagined what a kind of radio library would look like, connecting viewers worldwide. Many believe him to be the inventor of the Internet.

It would be through radio waves and telephone signals. This would benefit humanity, as conversations and information could be shared long distances. But Paul, despite being a great visionary, did not realize his idea.

Later, an engineer named Kleinrock, a computer scientist, and professor of Computer Science at UCLA, named the idea of the Internet as we know it today in a study called “Information flow in large communication networks,” which was published in May 1961. One year later, J.C.R.

Licklider, another American computer scientist, verbalized the idea of an intergalactic network.

Then, with Robert W. Taylor, a computer scientist, expressed the first idea of what would become the ARPANET in the future.

Development of ARPANET

With many people behind after several investigations, the ARPANET or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Network was developed. It is currently known as DARPA and started in November 1969. From there, the first message was sent between a computer at UCLA University and a computer at Stanford University.

This message was short and easy, but it was enough to collapse the ARPANET network since the computer located at Standford only received the first two words.

However, during 1970 this network was already crossing the United States, and a year later, in 1971, it was present in several universities and research centers. At that time, they had 23 computers already connected for information and academic purposes for anyone, a technological breakthrough in a short time!

In January 1983, ARPANET adopted TPC/IP, and researchers began to set up the “network of networks,” which we call the Internet today.

The evolutionary cycle of the Internet

As mentioned above, the Internet is the Network of Communication Networks. So far, it has not stopped evolving and will never stop growing. Almost every financial operation in the world needs its operation. You can’t imagine your life without the Internet right now. We use it for nearly everything: to buy, to sell, to watch T.V., to play games, to communicate, etc. To explore this topic more, you can read some additional essays about this subject at WowEssay.com.

In addition to the creation of the Internet, other elements materialized:

Creation of email

In 1972, email was invented thanks to Ray Tomlinson. Its operation was very similar to the one we know today.

Data Transmission Control Protocol

In 1973, the TCP Data Transmission Control Protocol and the LAN system for local networks were created.

TCP protocol

In 1975 NASA created its network according to the TCP protocol, which allows more than a hundred universities to be interlinked.

First portable computers

In 1978, the first laptop computers were built with the ability to connect to a network and a telephone line. Open public domain network

In 1983 there was a big step as the Internet became an open network in the public domain. This makes it available to the general public, and we can all start connecting. In this same year, DARPA develops the TCP/IP protocol, which places each computer on the network with a number, thus making data transmission easier.

From 1985, adding a number to each computer, what we know today as I.P., began to be applied to laptops.

Creation of HTML language

In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML language and the W.W.W. (World Wide Web) system.

Over the next six years, servers increased from five thousand to three hundred thousand. These were in black and white, making them difficult to use for many jobs.

So, who invented the Internet?

After all this data, we know that it was an invention made by several people, but there is no concrete answer as to who created the Internet. We can cite some of the most critical and relevant names involved and who are considered to be the ones who made the Internet:

Leonard Kleinrock, inventor of the essential Internet technology.

Ray Tomlinson

Tim Berners-Lee, among others


The answer to the question of who invented the Internet is that it is not assigned to only one. First, it was Paul Otlet, Leonard Kleinrock, Ray Tomlinson, and Tim Berners-Lee. Depending on the source where you read, it will tell you that the creator of the Internet is one or the other.

When the Internet was created, it was not suspected, for example, that by the year 2000, there would be around 500 million users. In 2019, a total of 4.388 billion users were counted worldwide.

Today, 57% of the world’s inhabitants have Internet access, a growing percentage.

We connect to the Internet from the computer, but the big revolution came when we could connect from a mobile device.

The Internet is undoubtedly revolutionary and something we could not live with today. Can you imagine your life without the Internet? Surely you have not even thought about it.