Will Windows 11’s Visual Effects Impact Performance?

    When you first see Windows 11, the main thing that catches your attention is the visual changes. Naturally, the immediate question that comes to mind is whether that fancy Mica transparency effect and rounded corner will negatively affect your computer’s performance.

    What Will Windows 11’s Visual Effects Do to Your PC?

    Microsoft hosted a question and answer session where it addressed plenty of user inquiries about Windows 11. WindowsLatest picked up on and transcribed a rather interesting question regarding how the Mica transparency effect and rounded corner will affect the performance of a PC. According to Microsoft, neither effect will impact performance, so we can all rest easy knowing that we can enjoy the pretty visuals without slowing down our computers.

    In fact, Microsoft says that the Mica transparency was “specifically designed for higher performance when compared to things like acrylic.” In addition, the company said that “Performance is really a top priority for us, and we want to ensure that all these fun new functionalities are super fast and don’t impact the OS.”

    As far as rounded corners, Microsoft says, “We optimized our rendering performance so you shouldn’t notice any difference compared to square corners.”

    This should ease our minds, as we can rest assured that Windows 11 will look great while performing optimally when it comes out. It’s good to hear that Microsoft is worried about performance, as a pretty OS is all well and good, but performance is what makes an OS usable for the long haul.

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