Home Windows Windows 11’s market share hits all-time high, but Windows 10 remains dominant

Windows 11’s market share hits all-time high, but Windows 10 remains dominant

What you need to know

  • Windows 11 is gaining traction among users and is on the verge of controlling 30% of the market share.
  • Windows 10 continues to dominate the market share with 66.1% despite its inevitable end-of-support date slated for October 14, 2025.
  • PC shipments are projected to grow by 8% by 2025 due to Windows 10s death and AI PC hype.

As the Stone Age story goes, Windows 10 continues to dominate the market share over Windows 11 despite Microsoft’s big AI push. Windows 11 shipped in October 2021, but users are still clinging to Windows 10.

However, Statcounter’s latest report suggests a slight upward trajectory for Windows 11 — with 29.7% of the market share. Windows 10 continues to dominate the category with 66.1%. In March, Windows 10 had more than double the market share of Windows 11, and the situation didn’t seem like it would change. 

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