Source: BlizzardDeathwing, from the classic Cataclysm expansion.
World of Warcraft Shadowlands hasn’t been particularly well-received. From its divisive covenants system to some of the worst writing in the game’s history, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands just received its 9.2 update that is set to bring this cycle to a close.
On April 19, Blizzard just announcedthat is planning to unveil the next expansion, which is widely expected to be dragon-themed. Our sources indicate that it is indeed going to revolve around Azeroth’s dragon flights, which were historically charged with stewardship of the mortal races of the planet. There’s no official word on exactly what features the new expansion will contain, although I am personally expecting the introduction of a new class that sports a dragon theme to coincide with the new expansion.
Blizzard also added that they plan to unveil a Warcraft-themed mobile game in May of this year too, tailored-made for gameplay on phones and tablets. The World of Warcraft Classic Season of Mastery has brought players face to face with Hakkar and Zul’gurub once again, while The Burning Crusade Classic reintroduces the Black Temple and the Illidan fight. There are hints out there that Blizzard is gearing up to unveil Wrath of the Lich King Classic, too, according to data mined code snippets.
World of Warcraft remains a strong profit driver for Activision, despite stiff competition from games like FFXIV and Lost Ark. Many players still log on week in, week out to complete their raids and spend time with friends, even though the game’s overall quality has taken a nosedive since World of Warcraft: Legion in 2016.
With the prospect of new leadership under ex-Xbox CVP Mike Ybarra, and the freeing Activision Blizzard from its shareholder expectations thanks to the Microsoft acquisition, the future of World of Warcraft is potentially brighter than it has been in years. Although, as usual, the proof will be in the playing.