Samsung has been a major partner of Qualcomm for several years now, with the Snapdragon-enabled Galaxy S devices being in higher demand than those using Samsung’s own Exynos. Qualcomm’s chips are simply great in all categories and Samsung’s own options struggled for several years, though that gap is finally seeming to close. That’s why it wasn’t so bad when we heard that the South Korean company was strongly considering using the Exynos 2500 exclusively for the Samsung Galaxy S25 series.
However, after a bit, it seemed that wasn’t accurate information and the company was still expecting to split things down the middle, as it has always done with Exynos and Snapdragon. At this point though, it looks like things are going to be very different if a new report from The Financial News is to be believed.
Supposedly, Samsung is doing its best with Exynos 2500 yield though it is yet to hit the appropriate target for its chips. Due to this, the S25 series may potentially use Qualcomm chips worldwide. However, the prospective high price of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 might be pushing the company towards looking for another chip supplier, and the baton falls to none other than MediaTek.
If I was to buy a Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra and I found out that it didn’t have the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 but a flagship MediaTek Dimensity chip, I don’t think that would change much for me. Realistically, I’d wait for reviews to weigh in on the performance of the new chip, but hypothetically, if I didn’t have access to those reviews, I don’t think it would stop me from embracing the new phones. Here’s why.
I think Samsung wouldn’t compromise significantly on performance. Whichever chip they put inside their dominating S series would need to have the power to match. Second, MediaTek might be seen as second-rate, but at the moment, the Dimensity 9300+ is the most powerful Android chip on the market (going by benchmarks).
In fact, I don’t think that I would shy away from the Exynos 2500 if that’s what it came down to (though I’ll admit I ran away from older Exynos chips when there was a more noticeable gap in performance). Samsung moving to MediaTek could potentially mean the phones don’t have to get a price hike and I don’t think anyone can hate that.