You may soon need to pay a subscription to keep your mouse updated

What you need to know

  • Logitech’s CEO discussed the concept of a “forever mouse” in a recent interview with The Verge.
  • The mouse would receive software updates that could potentially be locked behind a paywall.
  • Public feedback about the concept of a subscription-based mouse has been less than stellar.

Your favorite accessory is a bit like a well-worn pair of gloves. Countless hours of use have smoothed away any rough edges and contoured the item to you specifically. On top of physical comfort, familiarity is a massive benefit of using the same tool for a long time. I type much faster on my main keyboard than when I have to use another one, for example. Well, Logitech plans to make a “forever mouse,” which sounds great until you realize it’s nothing like what you’d imagine.

Hanneke Faber, Logitech’s CEO, recently spoke in an interview with The Verge. The interview covered a range of topics, but the one that’s garnered the most attention is the concept of a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription.

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