Your Google Assistant and Calendar Tasks Have a New Home

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If you’ve been using reminders in Google Calendar and Google Assistant, Google has been looking to get rid of them for some time and move them to its dedicated app for that purpose, Google Tasks. The company is now ready to rush that change to everyone.

As the company had previously announced, Google will be moving forward with the migration of existing reminders in Google Calendar and Assistant to Google Tasks over the coming months. Over the coming weeks, users will begin seeing pop-ups to notify them of the change, also giving them a shortcut to migrate existing reminders into Tasks. Starting in May, though, Google will begin automatically migrating all remaining reminders to Tasks whenever possible, and if any reminders didn’t get migrated during that period, all remaining reminder data will be deleted on June 22.


It’s not like you’re losing any functionality by migrating all that data to Tasks. They also work with Assistant and Calendar, and you’ll also be able to access them from Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. So if anything, this is probably a change for the better.

If you have a personal account, Google should take care of everything over the coming months. If you have a business account, though, things might be a little different, and if your company has disabled Tasks, you could lose all reminder data if it’s not activated by June 22.

Source: Google

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