Zotac GeForce RTX 4060 Ti review: How much do you care about DLSS 3?

The launch of the 4060 Ti sees NVIDIA fully flesh out the RTX 40 series. The RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 are aimed at the flagship category and are designed for 4K gaming, with the RTX 4070 Ti and 4070 slotting into the high-end segment, enabling decent framerates at 4K and ideally suited for 1440p gaming with high refresh rate monitors.

We’re now seeing the introduction of the mid-tier cards in the series, and the RTX 4060 Ti and 4060 are aimed at 1080p gamers. This is the largest addressable userbase for NVIDIA by a significant margin, and to its credit, the RTX 4060 series features the same great efficiency gains as its siblings, while lowering the barrier to entry to marquee NVIDIA features like DLSS 3.

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