2022 has been the year of the gaming backlog

The video games industry continues to expand at an astonishing rate, with more studios and developers than ever before passionately working on new and upcoming projects. Global changes and regular game delays have led to rippling effects in the industry, however, leading to a slight lull in the influx of new titles in the first half of 2022.

Not to be deterred from playing more games, I immediately began diving into my perpetually extending backlog (seriously, how does this list never shrink?) to experience some of the best games I missed from the last two decades. 2022 has been one of my favorite years for gaming ever, with an increased appreciation for older games raising my anticipation for the deluge of new games heading to players in the latter half of 2022 and beyond.

The state of gaming in 2022

Image of Starfield with character standing on a planet's surface.

(Image credit: Bethesda Softworks)

Burgeoning talented developers and creators are flooding into the video game industry, and it seems that every other day brings another announcement that a new games studio is opening its doors and working on its debut project. There are more video games in the works than ever, especially from indie developers that constantly push the boundaries on creativity and ingenuity in video games. That being said, the first half of 2022 has seen a slower stream of new releases than the preceding year, due to a variety of factors and reasons.

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