Hackers Steal a U.S. Navy Facebook Account to Livestream ‘Age of Empires’ – Review Geek


    A lone hacker decided to take on the U.S. Navy this week, and all things considered, he had a pretty good run. The Navy confirms that a hacker hijacked the official USS KIDD Facebook page to livestream Age of Empires playthroughs for four days in a row. Evidently, the Navy had to bargain with Facebook to secure the USS KIDD warship’s account back.

    On October 3rd, the hijacked USS KIDD page livestreamed Age of Empires for four hours. The stream was captioned with the word “Hahahahaha,” which is exactly what I would say if I stole a warship (or its Facebook page).

    But I would’ve played Age of Empires a bit better. The 20-year-old strategy game is all about building civilizations from scratch. But as reported by Task and Purpose, the hacker never made it past the damn stone age! Several of the comments left on his livestream tell him that he sucks—“somebody teach this guy how to play,” said one Facebook user.

    Task and Purpose

    Despite the negative comments, our hacker continued to stream Age of Empires on the USS KIDD page. He even changed the USS KIDD’s account type to “Gaming Video Creator.” But on the morning of October 8th, the jig was up. The U.S. Navy finally convinced Facebook to resolve its problem. It also deleted all of the game streams, unfortunately.

    In an October 7th conversation with Task and Purpose, Commander Nicole Schwegman stated that “the official Facebook page for USS Kidd (DDG 100) was hacked … We are currently working with Facebook technical support to resolve the issue.” Keep in mind that the page was first hijacked on October 3rd—did it take the Navy four days to realize what happened?

    Some people speculate that the USS KIDD page wasn’t hacked. Like last year’s Fort Bragg porn-posting incident, someone with legitimate access to the USS KIDD Facebook account may have simply forgot to log out. But this theory doesn’t make sense, given the U.S. Navy’s statement and its inability to access the USS KIDD page.

    Source: Task and Purpose via Malwarebytes

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