Microsoft will help you learn how to install Linux now?!

What you need to know

  • Strangely enough, Microsoft has published a tutorial on how to download and install Linux. 
  • The guide details the entire process from selecting the installation method to installing the distribution using your preferred installation method.
  • Microsoft considered Linux a threat to its Windows operating system for a long time but has warmed up to Linux over the years.

Microsoft has a ton of guides and tutorials under its sleeves that provide users with insightful information, highlighting how software works and more. While most of these tutorials are centered around the Microsoft ecosystem, that is, Microsoft software and the Windows OS, the company surprisingly published a new tutorial on “how to download and install Linux.”

For those unfamiliar with Linux, it’s an operating system like Windows or MacOS. The main difference is that Linux is an open-source and often community-developed operating system based on the Linux kernel. As highlighted by the Microsoft in the guide, “Linux is an operating system, similar to Windows, but with many different versions due to the nature of being open source and fully customizable.”

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